13 Meanings
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Love You All Lyrics

I love my mother
I love my father
And when it's my time to go
I need you to know
I love you all
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13 Meanings

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Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

I love this song so much. The digitized voice is so unlike them and yet so like them. The melody is so simple and fresh, yet familiar and catchy.

Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

Not that Cloud Cult is to be compared to the genre, but this is the kind of song that no techno/trance band is able to create.

Sweet song. Simple meaning. I'll leave it at that.

Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

this makes me feel all warm and watery inside.

Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

ooo what a good song to play at a funeral. I got that happy but sad feeling while listening to it.

heather, i so agree with you! i'm so moved by this song, i want to play it at my funeral, even though i'm only 16... :P. it is so simple, yet so moving.... i'm in love with it

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Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

i love this song so much, at first the digitalized voice sounded wrong, then after the first line it all just fit.

Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

this song makes me cry every time i listen to it. it fits as the last song on (probably) the last album cloud cult will ever make.

I am so very glad that prediction was wrong. No offense to you of course.

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Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

I think they way they produced this has a lot of meaning behind it as well. How it starts out very mechanical and unnatural then with each repeat is becomes more and more natural. Which, honestly, I'm not sure what it's implying, but I'm sure there is some meaning behind it.

I've listened to this song soo many times and I was completely ignorant of that!!!! Just discovering that has made me fall in love with this song all over again! :)

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Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

This song devastates me every time I hear. What a concept...what a tribute to his son, the love they as parents had for him, and the profound hope that he embraced that love as he passed. I'm crying as I write this.

Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

I have never loved a person as much as I love this song.

Cover art for Love You All lyrics by Cloud Cult

this song is simply stunning