Vampire Lyrics
I thought it was "so I'm no more satanic, yeah, yeah"... I don't think "sad' fits, but iono...
cuuuuuute ^^
I am addicted to this song. It's adorable and catchy at the same time. o___o
i always thought they said i have lost my mouse again
Haha. This is one of the lamest and cutest and coolest songs!!
It's actually "I have lost my mouth AGAIN" as opposed to "I have lost my mouth organ" but cute little song bless it :)
This song makes me think of Edward Cullen out of the Twilight Saga. He has no fangs, and he has serious anger management issues (although he's not really meant to be seen that way). I'd really love it if he was angry because he had no fangs, and didn't think he was a proper vampire because of it.
But yeah, I love this song. It's so sweet!
Lol. @Aya May~ Thats exactly what I thought when I first heard the song.
Lol, its such a cute song that I can't get it out of my head.
makes me tink of a little boy whoes teeth fell out and he feels weard about it lol
Haha I always think of that really old Disney movie..."The Little Vampire" I think it was called. Such a cute song!
I remember that movie! Whatever happened to it? My mum always used to say that Jonathan Lipnicki was the exact double of my stepbrother. And she was right!
I remember that movie! Whatever happened to it? My mum always used to say that Jonathan Lipnicki was the exact double of my stepbrother. And she was right!