2 Meanings
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Serpent Charmer Lyrics

There's a woman hater with a broken record player
And a dusty compass off to map the country's new behavior
Strange words and we all roll back into the river
Brave boys in the empty coats of men

There's a kitchen timer, distractions, and reminders
Roly-polies slowly crawling 'cross your family china
Strange words and we all roll back into the river
And dead dogs only want to live again

There's a serpent charmer, pair of shoes and wander
Speeding ticket, you got leading that last lamb to slaughter
Strange words and we all roll back into the river
Good girls come and kick you in the shin

There's a hopeful hunter with a helpless sense of wonder
And a million claw marks on the rock, he hid his money under
Strange words and we all roll back into the river
And made men only want to live again
2 Meanings
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I'll be damned if I don't her another indictment of George W. Bush here with his dusty compass to map the country's new behavior...

Brave boys = soldiers Empty coats of men = the bidnessmen that they fight for

The serpent charmer would be the generals leading the lambs (brave boys) to slaughter

Maybe the hunter in the fourth stanza is Cheney?

Can't figure out who the kitchen timer is though...

I know that Mr. Beam's lyrics are always (gloriously) interpretative, but that's what I be interpretating to-nite ya'll!

Fo sho,


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I think it might be how you look back on your life before you die, all the things you wasted time on... and now you wish you could go back and do things differently.

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