Be Still And Breathe Lyrics
Did you hear me call
or were your thoughts just too loud,
or were your thoughts just loud enough
for you to miss it.
I thought you'd be listening
a little more intently for me.
But I'll be here when you're ready.
Until then, just be still and breathe.
But I was screaming.
I was screaming.
Everything they've known was wrong.
The outside doesn't feel
what the inside knows is real.
through the same door that I left?
The same door that I left.
Why didn't you stop me if you could, stop me?
There was something that I missed.
Probably cause I didn't want to find it.
I didn't want to find it.
Then came the arguments, now there is silence.
Just be still and breath. Be still and breath.
Just walk away and save anything you can, anything.
Everything they've know was wrong.
There's a place that they don't know
and that's where I call my home.

I'm still a little fuzzy on the meaning, so I'll take a stab at interpreting it a little at a time.
"Did you hear me call your name? Did you hear me call or were your thoughts just too loud, or were your thoughts just loud enough for you to miss it."
1.) Sometimes, we don't pay attention in this crazy life, because we're so preoccupied with something every waking moment. 2.) Or maybe it means that someone is ignoring them when they need to convey their feelings. They feel they're being ignored, perhaps, by means of selective hearing (hearing only what you want to hear).
3.) This could be in God's point of view. This would change the entire meaning of the song -_-. I better analyze it that way as well.
"I thought you'd be listening a little more intently for me."
This goes along more with my second assumption.
Going with the third assumption, God is trying to reach someone- He knows what He has to say will help the person.
"But I'll be here when you're ready. Until then, just be still and breathe."
1.) When you're ready to focus fully on one thing at a time... they will be there. Be still, calm down and listen!
2.)The be still and breathe part could be like a "calm down, relax" type of message.
3.) God is always there when you're ready for Him.
"But I was screaming. I was screaming."
Fed up, they've been trying to convey their message (whether it be God or man)
"Everything they said about you Everything they've known was wrong."
This is what confuses me. I related it to the following:
1.) Everything that niave people think that God is and does is wrong.
"The outside doesn't feel what the inside knows is real."
1.) People not in our religion don't feel God's love. But we do, and we know it is real, and that God is real.
"Did you see me walking back through the same door that I left? The same door that I left. Why didn't you stop me if you could, stop me?"
At this time, the Christian assumption of the song's meaning is looking more and more likely. It sounds like the person is talking to God, saying that they left Him but now they've returned. They wonder why God didn't keep them from turning away from Him in the first place.
"There was something that I missed. Probably cause I didn't want to find it. I didn't want to find it. Then came the arguments, now there is silence. Just be still and breath. Be still and breath."
No clue. This defies my interpretations thus far. As does the next few lines after the chorus.
If anyone else would care to analyze this song... it would be most appreciated.
yea i think you're mostly right but the last lines:
yea i think you're mostly right but the last lines:
"Everything they said about you Everything they've know was wrong. There's a place that they don't know and that's where I call my home."
"Everything they said about you Everything they've know was wrong. There's a place that they don't know and that's where I call my home."
means that nonbelivers in God, everything they said and everything they know is wrong about you/him (God). And a place they dont know is heaven which is where the author calls his home
means that nonbelivers in God, everything they said and everything they know is wrong about you/him (God). And a place they dont know is heaven which is where the author calls his home

pretty sure this is about when shit gets bad just relax and little and slow everything down. get your head back and then try and take control.

This is an alright Post grunge/Emo/alternative band. sorry to being up the genre.

Looking t it again, it might be about a failed relationship.
I think that last part is him just answering himself.
I think that last part is him just answering himself.
There was something that I missed. Probably cause I didn't want to find it. I didn't want to find it. Then came the arguments, now there is silence. Just be still and breath. Be still and breath.
There was something that I missed. Probably cause I didn't want to find it. I didn't want to find it. Then came the arguments, now there is silence. Just be still and breath. Be still and breath.
He thinks to himself that God was there all along trying to persuade him to come back. One final argument or many arguments drove him away to his own selfish devices.
He thinks to himself that God was there all along trying to persuade him to come back. One final argument or many arguments drove him away to his own selfish devices.
Sorry new to this
Sorry new to this

Did you hear me call your name? Did you hear me call or were your thoughts just too loud, or were your thoughts just loud enough for you to miss it. I thought you'd be listening a little more intently for me.
Its about a guy losing faith in god, he kept praying and asking for help but god didnt listen. the guy had been taught to pray whenever he had a problem and god would help but when the guy really needed him god didnt come to his rescue.
But I'll be here when you're ready. Until then, just be still and breathe.
the guy will wait for god to hear him
But I was screaming. I was screaming.
he prayed, begged, screamed for help from god but he never got an answer
Everything they said about you Everything they've known was wrong. The outside doesn't feel what the inside knows is real.
christians and those who taught him to have faith in god were wrong. he learned that god would be there and when he prayed god didnt do a damn thing.
Did you see me walking back through the same door that I left? The same door that I left. Why didn't you stop me if you could, stop me?
the guy turned his back on god and christianity but then realized he believes/loves god so he comes back. he wonders why god didnt stop him from leaving if he had this great amazing holy power.
There was something that I missed. Probably cause I didn't want to find it. I didn't want to find it. Then came the arguments, now there is silence. Just be still and breath. Be still and breath.
god had been there all along but the guy hadnt seen it, he just kinda ignored it. god was persuadeding him back but the guy just fought it. gods persuasion is what pushed him away from god. but when he turned his back on god, thats what he needed to restore his faith.
We're both breathing. Just walk away and save everything you can. Just walk away and save anything you can, anything.
were both breathing means the guy believes again and he understandsthat god did answer his prayer and now he must save everything and anything he can.
Everything they said about you Everything they've know was wrong. There's a place that they don't know and that's where I call my home.
the guy is talking about people who dont believe in god. when they said he wasnt real or useless and didnt do anything he believed then but now he sees that they were wrong and that they dont know heaven or church or gods love but the guy does and heaven is his home.
Thanks for that explanation. After reading this, it makes a lot of sense to me. Listening to the song, was a little hard to add everything up as a story.
Thanks for that explanation. After reading this, it makes a lot of sense to me. Listening to the song, was a little hard to add everything up as a story.

They sure repeat lines often....

They sure repeat lines often....