20 Meanings
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Night Terror Lyrics

I woke up and he was screaming, I'd left him dreaming
I roll over and shake him tightly and whisper
If they want you, oh, they're gonna have to fight me
Oh, fight me

I woke up on a bench on Shepherd's Bush Green
Oh, a candle at my chest and a hand on his knee
I got up it was dark, there's no one in the park at this hour
How do I keep finding myself here?
Oh, fight me

If I look back and he is screaming, I'd left him dreaming
The dangers fade
And I'll run back and shake him tightly and scream
If they want him, oh, they're gonna have to fight me
Oh, fight me

But if I wake up on a bench on Shepherd's Bush Green
Oh, a candle at my chest and a hand on his knee
I'll roll over and hold him tightly and scream
If you want him, oh, you're gonna have to fight me
Oh, fight me

Don't fight me
20 Meanings
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The thing that separates a night terror from a nightmare is that the person experiencing it rarely had any memory of the episode. To an outside observer, they may appear awake, but they are not responsive to the outside world. So, even if Laura is shaking the afflicted person, they won't wake up.

Interestingly, adults who suffer from night terrors have a history of depression. They also have an "inhibition of aggression, self-directed anger, passivity, anxiety, impaired memory and the ability to ignore pain." (thank you, wikipedia)

It gives you a bit more insight into the song's protagonists, doesn't it?

My Interpretation
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ah, i mean 'my manic and i', 'night terror', and also plus 'ghosts', when she talks about breakdowns, as being about the same person.

I agree. Both My Manic and I and Night Terror depict a kind of descent into madness. I both songs, the protagonist gets sucked into the mental disorder.

In My Manic and I, she starts off saying "these are the reasons I think that you're ill", but it changes to "we're ill" and finally "I'm ill", as if she has become manic herself.

In Night Terror, she tries to wake him and is addressing him. As the song progresses, she is drawn into the nightmare and at the end, she's addressing the demons herself,...

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If the line is "don't fight me" it's because he's fighting the air against the demons of his dreams and she's in the way in her efforts to calm him. Does this guy have to be a lover? It sounds like the sort of protection someone could have towards a child, perhaps a kid brother?

I think it's a lover. She said in an interview that she "went out with a guy who had night terrors" and she "found it fascinating": guardian.co.uk/music/2008/oct/26/popandrock

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i love this song. umm im pretty sure 'Shepursburgh Scree' is sheperds bush green. it's a place in london.

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Hahaha, yep it is. lol

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this is such a beautiful song the video is really scary though

why haven't they changed it to Sheperds bush green yet lol.

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This song is without a doubt the best on her album. It's amazing someone who is younger than me can write such beautiful lyrics.

@SpaceMuffin yayaya, good for you you are older.

hey,does it occur to you if a song is all about the quality of the lyrics, maybe it should have been a poem?

i judge lyrical music ((poem melodies)) by the melodies first , the poem second, because there is no such thing as an artform that is in anyway closely related to the melody part of songs, but the songwriting is extremely similar to poem writing, which makes it less unique, albeit important in the eyes of guys like you, or should I say, most sane person.

I don't know who...

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this is one of the most beautiful songs i have heard in a while. everything about it is beautiful, such an amazing talent

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not quite sure what it's about but there is definitely a dark, almost harrowing aspect to the music and lyrics and it's pretty easy to fill in the blanks with your imagination. easily the best on her album.

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This is an amazing song.

My Opinion
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