12 Meanings
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Falling Down Lyrics

Once was a man who consumed his place and time
He thought nothing could touch him
But here and now it’s a different storyline
Like the straw he is clutching

Why has the sky turned grey
Hard to my face and cold on my shoulder
And why has my life gone astray
Scarred by disgrace, I know that its over

Because I’m falling down
With people standing round
But before I hit the ground
Is there time
Could I find someone out there to help me?

Howl at the wind rushing past my lonely head
Caught inside its own motion
How I wish it was somebody else instead
Howling at all this corrosion

Why did the luck run dry
Laugh in my face, so pleased to desert me
Why do the cruel barbs fly?
Now when disgrace can no longer hurt me

Because I’m falling down
With people standing round
But before I hit the ground
Is there time
Could I find someone out there to help me?

Because I’m falling down
With people standing round
But before I hit the ground
Is there time
Could I find someone out there to help me?
I don’t know…. Why…
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

I love it. I saw it on video hits this morning [heck yes] And DAHHH it's just so calming... [oddly]

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

I love it. I saw it on video hits this morning [heck yes] And DAHHH it's just so calming... [oddly]

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

I love this song already. To me it means how you feel when you're spiraling down in depression or sadness and you still have that hope that maybe someone can save you.

Even though you might be surrounded by people, you still feel yourself "falling" as if you're losing yourself. Things are changing when you never thought they would.

I've only heard it once but I can't wait for Red Carpet Massacre to come out. =]

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

This song is talking about how it is to have everything and everyone behind you and having it all be lost in an instant and to have the people who were once your friend betray you and switch faces.

I love the imagery of this song it is really good song.

:] Red Carpet Massacre is THE BOMB!!

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

Now that I've seen the video, it also can be seen as someone really famous losing what they used to have, and becoming famous for bad habits. People jump on them for the slightest mistake.

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

Great song & video!

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

The lyrics are self-explanatory. It's about someone who falls from grace with the people supposedly who first supported them now watching them self-destruct.

Isn't it coincidental that this song came out circa the Britney media circus and that her ex wrote this song?

Anyway, that said, it's a great song. DD sound fresh and completely in place with today's music scene. However as a DD newbie who has listened to the earlier stuff, I prefer the old music.

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

I wish people would stop believing what the press make up.

For starters, Simon Le Bon wrote the lyrics, not Justin Timberlake. Secondly, he wrote them about himself (in his own words, Falling Down is the most autobiographical song on Red Carpet Massacre) and not about Britney Spears (although they can be applied to her current situation). Lastly, again in Simon's own words, the song is about "pride coming before a fall" and how everything might seem utterly desolate at the time, you will be ok in the end.

And before anyone else asks, Justin Timberlake had absolutely nothing to do with the video for this song either, so any resemblance to Britney is on the director's say-so, not Justin's or the band themselves. (although personally, I see more Lohan in the model used)

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

I like the old Duran Duran stuff more as well, but when I want to get my friends to listen to them I'll pull out RCM.

Yeah I wish people wouldn't make every song out to be Justin Timberlake or Timbaland saying something just because they were featured on the CD.

Anyways, I want to go see them May 28th in Boston! Anyone want to buy me tickets? =P

Cover art for Falling Down lyrics by Duran Duran

this sOngs Bout all the starz Goin to rehab . . ive seen the making of the flm clip its pretty good