20 Meanings
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Cycling Trivialities Lyrics

Too blind to know your best
Hurrying through the forks without regrets
Different now, every step feels like a mile
All the lights seem to flash and pass you by

So how's it gonna be
When it all comes down, cycling trivialities

But don't know which way to turn
Every trifle becoming big concerns
All this time you were chasing dreams
Without knowing what you wanted them to mean

So how's it gonna be
When it all comes down, cycling trivialities
So how's it gonna be
When it all comes down, cycling trivialities

Who cares in a hundred years from now
All your small steps, all your shitty clouds
Who cares in a hundred years from now
Who'll remember all the players
Who'll remember all the clowns

So how's it gonna be
When it all comes down, cycling trivialities
So what does this really mean
When it all comes down, cycling trivialities

Cycling trivialities
Cycling trivialities
Cycling trivialities
Cycling trivialities

Cycling trivialities
Cycling trivialities
Cycling trivialities
Song Info
Submitted by
chanyinkeen On Sep 30, 2007
20 Meanings
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God, this song blows me away. It's so epically depressing. The way I see it, it's about how all of life is basically meaningless and trivial, and all we are is part of a cycle which goes on and on. So people are "cycling trivialities," just caught in the loop of existence, but most of them are too blind and self-possessed to notice it. All of those things in our lives we see as important, our dreams and ambitions, beauty, humor, self-growth, comes down to cycles of water, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and phosphorous. And then González just keeps playing through the guitar loop over and over and you sit there, stunned. Earth-shattering.

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We are missing the best inside us, by ignoring our inner beauty. We rush through our decisions, without caring about the path we neglect. Then, we get older, slow down, and reflect on each step. We either learn to make time for ourselves, or we struggle through each long day. Our lives feel as if time has gone by too quickly. We still have a choice to live outside the patterns of triviality-based living. When we are confused, our temperament is more sensitive and we over-exaggerate every little drama. At the same time we indulge the meaningless events, we also dream of a better tomorrow. However, we forget to aim our intentions. We can change the world, if we stop these revolving trivialities. Who is going to remember our small dilemmas and decisions in future generations? Who is going to remember the little steps and small mistakes? All of the things we stress out about are nothing in the big picture, neither are the things that make us happy. It is all about the importance of appreciating each day in the present and making a difference in the lives of people around, since this all the time we have, anyway. “So, how’s it gonna be,” implies that we have a choice between ordinary and extraordinary living.

Note: “So, where is this leading me?” In my opinion, this is what he says at the end, rather than “so, what does this really mean.”

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I think you're all right in some way. The sentiments are very mixed because it isn't a conclusion he finds, but more the realization that there are some contradictory behaviors and thoughts involved in every day living for most human beings.

Judging by the tone of the entire album, I would conclude the song is more pessimistic in its direction, pointing more towards the impossibility of this problem ever being resolved.

I love this song as I've felt the same thing that many of you have. Life is so utterly pointless and most attempts at figuring it all out leave us realizing the illusions of our senses and our entire consciousness. We end up in a state of nothingness consciously, unable to conclude, think, feel, move.

I do, however, think Jose is attempting, with the entire album, to point out the illusions and the problem of never resolving the major theme and issue. He seems to suggest that although conclusions is a futile thing to strive for in this life, killing ourselves with selfishness or drug use or any such behavior will only kill our time and take from us all that is pointed in the direction of something higher than humanity's plight and position.

After listening to this album on repeat for weeks at a time when i am 21 years old and prone to drug and alcohol abuse and egotistical exploitation of others as a result of my realizing life's major unsolvable issues, I find that I'm finally seeing what he is attempting to explain.

We must give give in to this, reflect, and carry on, perhaps not toward anything of resolve, but certainly much more capable of maintaining grace.

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worsethanwax, i completely agree. and you're explication was very beautifully put.

damn, josé gonzález is brilliant.

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worsethansex, i completely agree. and you're explication was very beautifully put.

damn, josé gonzález is brilliant.

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just an amazing song... it goes for 8 minutes, which is a pretty long damn song, but every moment of it is mesmerizing

i didn't really pay any attention to the lyrics until now, and it all makes sense to me now ciao

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freedomishonesty. :) exactly right. beautiful song

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He is basically saying....what is this life worth if we just throw it away and fail to appreciate our lives and the everyday things that we have grown to be unaware of.

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This song just delivers such a nostalgic feeling in me whenever I hear it...not nostalgic for any single thing, just a more general open-mindedness for the future and the past. I never, ever felt it was depressing, though. I always thought that it was saying despite the fact that, most likely, nothing you do will be noteworthy, you're still making the world for tomorrow. Those small steps all add up to something, I suppose :p

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I understand why others find this song pessimistic and depressing.

However I just feel so calm and happy everytime I hear it. It's like it's comforting to know that in the end neither you or anything that you do matters to anyone else. The only place where things have meaning is right now and only you and those close to you care about it.

Or maybe I'm just weird.

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