9 Meanings
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Green Monster Lyrics

Moving Forward, Moving Faster

And every day it grows
Forcing these scavengers to trail in its wake
Feeding upon the scraps
Of torn paper (2x)
And leftover change

Charging forward
We watch as it passes
Crushing everything in its path

Nothing can ever stop this campaign
Not when everything in life revolves around this pain
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer
This monster moves

With no end in sight
This is what we created
With no end in sight

Creator of crime
Creator of deceit

After it passes what will be left?
There’s nothing getting better
Just worse and worse (2x)

Nothing can ever stop this campaign
Not when everything in life revolves around this pain
The rich get richer, the poor get poorer

For those of you who contribute to its growth
You’re only feeding this oil empire
Like throwing gas into this fire (3x)

Moving forward (2x)
9 Meanings
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Its about money,greed, and how money creates problems in the world

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"Green Monster" is like a charcterisation of Money. It is the "Creator of Crime an deceit" and a whole lot of other problems in this world.

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i said it once and i'll say it again pmaxd is fucking right on.keep stayin insightful homes

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pmaxd is right. plus tight ending breakdown

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Mostly its about money and how much power it has it also has war refrences [iraq]

"For those of you who contribute to its growth You’re only feeding this oil empire "

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Also its about America, and how it strives to make the 'rich get richer' and the 'poor get poorer'

if you've seen 'sicko' (micheal moore), you'll see what i mean, and what those bits of the song mean

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when i first read SS had a song called green monster i thought it would be about weed haha if you've seen their interviews on youtube you'd get what i mean

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this song is about capitalism- because capitalism is something that needs to keep expanding, corrupting, and polluting in order to thrive. it's a matter of class wars- this country relies on rich people to stay rich and poor people to stay poor. dont sell yourself to complacency. good song

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