Tight Fit Lyrics
I've got to get into it
Don't make no sense
To hide behind anything
Oh how these pressures sting
Their time is wearing thin
To make a mockery
I'd make a mould of me
To make a mockery
Let a little light fall on
To emphasise who you are
A second skin
The label I might have been
Oh fill this loving cup
Might have to use it up
Would wreck the symmetry
To take the half of me
Would wreck the symmetry
Let a little light fall on
I've got to get into it
I've got to get into it
Like to get a little gone
Let a little light fall on
Your night long

All the lyrics about tight fits here say to me that it's about fitting in and being popular, and I love Tahita's voice in this song as well

All the lyrics about tight fits here say to me that it's about fitting in and being popular, and I love Tahita's voice in this song as well

I thought the lyrics were more literal to the song's title. Girls have become encouraged to fit into clothes that are way too small, like size zero.. and i also agree that the lyrics also point towards the need for individuals to be accepted..symbolising conformity.
lyrics like; "To make a mould of me" "another scar / to emphasise who you are" and "like to get a little gone" symbolise one's yearning to 'tightly fit' into a stereotype.. small, size zero beings...
the song represents this day and age.. how society is so judgemental about looks and physicality..

this song must be about fitting in and individuals i think its meaning from the singers point of view that she wants to fit in but is really an individual person

i think she sounds a little like madonna in this song. especially near the end. and that's definitely not a bad thing. i think it suits tahita more than it suits madonna. :)