Wanderers Lyrics

*Coming soon. Sorry.
7 Meanings
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Brendan said:

"The lyrics deal a lot with conviction and the loss of it. Light can only shine in dark places. Despite many things, the most natural of human conviction and hope is not lost."

I really like how it's based off the little light of mine thing.

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This little light of mine I was told to let it shine But I stood idly by And watched that poor flame die

I kept it from the bushel and brush And away from the grasp of men I left that lantern in the light Where my flame could blend right in

I will bear this cross I will wear these thorns

But I know All this dark won't swallow All the light I hide But still host

Her I'll learn to hold She will grow and grow She will shine so bright

"Don't let Satan blow it out." The teachers always said But soon enough he figured out It wasn't worth his breathe

'Cuz this little light of mine Is losing all its' bright Not to the dark I hold inside

But to the dark kept from its sight Below the smoke still burns a fire A small spark lives 'nearth all these ashes Promise me you'll blow until I glow red, bright fiery red

I've learned to smolder All smoke but no flame Ashes ashes we all fall down

(I long to glow like you embers, bright halogen embers)

I will bear this cross I will wear these thorns

But I know All this dark won't swallow All the light I hide But still host

Her I'll learn to hold She will grow and grow She will shine so bright

Ashes to ashes we all fall down

This little light of mine I was told to let it shine But I stood idly by...

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THANK YOU SO MUCH - this is such a beautiful song

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THANK YOU SO MUCH - this is such a beautiful song

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Gutzs, I never really thought about it like that, and I noticed the religious references too.

Anyways, I think this song is about him not trying hard and making mistakes. After he finds out he's going to be a father (notice it comes before Stay Small) he doesn't want to his daughter to end up like him (burning out and letting his 'flame' die).

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The title probably has something to do with the song itself.

I think its about a guy who was raised in a religion, but grew up and wandered away from it, until he he hit rock bottom...the light could be his soul.

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Okay here's what I think this sing is about:

"This little light of mine I was told to let it shine"

He grew up with faith, and he was raised to show his faith and proclaim it. In this medaphor, Faith=Light.

"But I stood idly by And watched that poor flame die

I kept it from the bushel and brush And away from the grasp of men I left that lantern in the light Where my flame could blend right in"

Here, the speaker is addressing how he was reclusive about his faith, probably because of society's growing disrespect of faith of any kind. He "kept that lanturn in the light", meaning he only exposed his faith to people who shared his views, probably for fear of ridicule.

"I will bear this cross I will wear these thorns"

Confirms the christian meaning behind this song. Bearing the cross is a Christian medaphor for suffering in the name of faith.

"Her I'll learn to hold She will grow and grow She will shine so bright"

I have no idea...Every reference to "her" has me completely stumped. I have to think about this more. Maybe "She" is his "light" aka faith. But thats just speculation.

""Don't let Satan blow it out." The teachers always said But soon enough he figured out It wasn't worth his breathe

'Cuz this little light of mine Is losing all its' bright Not to the dark I hold inside

But to the dark kept from its sight Below the smoke still burns a fire A small spark lives 'nearth all these ashes Promise me you'll blow until I glow red, bright fiery red"

Pretty much, someone is trying to convince him not to let Satin destroy his faith, and he is struggling with it, saying there is only a spark left from his flame (faith), then he urges the person to not give up on him ("promise you'll blow until I glow red")

"I've learned to smolder All smoke but no flame Ashes ashes we all fall down"

Ashes are left when a flame stops burning, pretty self explanitory what's going on here.

"I long to glow like you embers, bright halogen embers"

The song then repeats the chorus, then ends with this:

"This little light of mine I was told to let it shine But I stood idly by... "

Same as the beginning, but this time you can hear the sadness in his voice and know now that he is looking back in regret.

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