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Shy Guys Lyrics

I've been killing time but it's killing me better.
I made a drink, and it made me a widower.
But hey, you knew I wasn't a bartender,
I'm an entrepreneur.
Am I coming on too strong?
Yo, have I been coming on too strong?
You and your mascara can just run on home
To pull the blood from your body so the leeches can grow.
If you don't know, act like you know.
The dizziness is from the dialysis and not the pills in your drink.
Count back the blood work,
Backtrack the track marks,
Move to the bedroom and spare me the dull parts.
Spilling everyones guts but your own.
Waking up in strange beds, in awkward homes.
Passionate lovers, keep your fucking hands above the covers.
Passionate crimes make for passionate boys.
Passionate love making passionate noise.
Don't act like you didn't know.
Our passion, it died a long time ago.
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