15 Meanings
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Autumnsong Lyrics

Wear your eyes as dark as night
Paint your face with what you like
Wear your love like it is made of hate
Born to destroy and born to create

Now baby, what you done to your hair?
Is it just the same time of year?
When you think that you don't really care
Now baby, what you done to your hair?
(Done to your hair x4)

So when you hear this Autumnsong
Clear your heads and get ready to run
So when you hear this Autumnsong
Remember the best times are yet to come

Now baby what you done to your hair?
Is it just the same time of year?
When you think that you don't really care
Now baby, what have you done to your hair?

Wear your eyes as dark as night
Paint your face with what you like
Wear your love like it is made of hate
Born to destroy, and born to create
(Born to create x4)

So when you hear this Autumnsong
Clear your heads and get ready to run
So when you hear this Autumnsong
Remember the best times are yet to come

So wear your hair in bunches
And your jacket loose

So when you hear this Autumnsong
Clear your heads and get ready to run

So when you hear this Autumnsong
Clear your heads and get ready to run
So when you hear this Autumnsong
Remember the best times are yet to come
15 Meanings
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I can't believe no one has commented on this song yet! Anyone find it reminds them of a cross between Guns N' Roses and Aerosmith? Anyway I'm not sure what it's about, the politics of most Manics songs are lost on me... I just know it's a great rock song.

I think it must be about being young (this opinion is influenced from the video which has lots of young guys and girls on it), also "Remember the best times are yet to come" leads me to think of youth. Maybe the song is about staying young for as long as possible and enjoying it rather than trying to rush through it, because then you have to grow up as you enter "Autumn" like the Autumn of your life.

Well thats what I feel, when I listen, I think back to school and college and the friends I don't see anymore.

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in the album, there is the sort of a season thingy,

AUTUMNsong indianSUMMER ..........the others have the lyrics about winter and spring.

I (and my big bro) recon this is like the four seasons being like simbolicly the manics, JDB, Nicky, Sean and of course Richie.

and in your love alone, has like the solo bits at the end, you have seans drum solo, nicky style gitar by the hairy welshman himself, and james dean bradfeilds little guitar and singing bit, but there is a blank bit where Richie james's guitar would have been, basicly saying, like, "we will be here mate, if you come back,"

I feel sorry for nicky, he missess richie so much.


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It's about SAD... Look it up and it'll become fairly obvious :-)

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It always makes me think of going back to school after summer, preparing for it, how teenagers hide behind new hair cuts and statement clothes. The pretence that nothing bothers you when actually everyone's shit scared and "getting ready to run" x

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Fun Fun Fun, Guns and Roses in widescreen, probably the most fun song they've done for years. It's about having fun as an adolescent.

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Personally I think they are talking about SADS,"Is it just the same time of year? When you think that you don't really care" and the self loathing and depression that the condition can bring. I love the song anyway, great rock song, but I would say its a clear meaning, fascinated to hear any other view on it though.

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I agree, redduke, I didn't see it until you mentioned it. The words like 'Remember the best times are yet to come' really relate to me, and I'm a SADS sufferer. Also the song is called Auntumnsong, when the symptoms just begin to appear. I love it though because I'm 16, and I feel like I should be planning what I'm doing in 5 years. To me this song is telling teenagers not to grow up too fast, but also not to be disheartened if things don't work out how you want.

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I'm an SAD sufferer too and it struck a chord with me - i always forget about all the good things that have happened through the year and by the time it gets to autumn and winter i just want to change everything "What have you done to your hair?" LOL i cut my hair short in a moment of SAD-ness this year. "Clear your heads and get ready to run" just seems sometimes that its the only thing that will make things work if you just run away from it all or even just physically run to vent anger and depression.

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I LOVE THIS SONG :) clear ur head and get ready to ruuuunnn....

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Anyone else think the song could be about Richey? I mean: 'wear your eyes as dark as night/paint your face with what you like' - his make-up; 'now baby what have you done to your hair?' - he shaved his head before he disappeared. Plus some possible references to his lyrics: 'wear your love like it is made of hate' - "Little Baby Nothing"? ('dress your life in loathing') 'So wear your hair in bunches' - "Yes"? ('tie his hair in bunches, fuck him, call him Rita if you want')

Just an idea, SADS also makes sense.

@benji96 I think this song is about Richey, totally. Makes you wonder if he is still alive (which I think he faked his own disappearance). Maybe the band know he is alive but he wants to keep it quiet.

You are bang on with those lyrics.

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