I Do Believe That You Are Blushing Lyrics

i do believe you're blushing
everything in your mind is coming
oh miss k i do believe you
i wanna stick you gold and blue

sucking boat where i want to be
train train in the ground with me
sinking sky the sky is falling
looking out i am calling you

i do believe your eyes
your face is glowing
i do believe your face
waking up to your eyes
endless over
i do believe that you are blushing

put down in the ground won't you
take a walk in the park won't you
let's lay on the rock with me
don't you don't you want to look me

push me to the wall won't you
push a ring down my neck for you
what will they be like, like you?
incredible eyes, incredible

i do believe your eyes
you face is glowing
i do believe your face
waking up to your eyes
endless over
i do believe that you are blushing
Song Info
Submitted by
twee! On Jun 04, 2007
11 Meanings
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imperial f.f.r.r. is such a minimalistic record, the smallest things take on greater significance. the slightly increased volume and pace of the chorus seems oddly intense. i see a series of visual images hearing "your face is glowing" and "waking up to your eyes, endless over", like jump cuts in a film.

the genius of this approach is that small things can be very affecting. the downside is that sometimes it's only boring (i.e. the endlessly repeated lyrics of "cherry cream on": what, does it contain more than five words in the whole song?)

then it's startling that after an album of what seem to be fairly simple love songs (except the tribute to the painter isabel bishop), then just before the end, we hear "june"

"june" begins with a series of observations which--once one (later) realizes the subject matter of the song--then seem shockingly mundane. it's a straightforward list of memories from seeing his father on his deathbed.

i'd guess mark robinson let someone else take the vocal duties for "june" because the material was still too close to home; perhaps he couldn't sing it without crying?

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mark robinson doesn't cry. his lyrics have no meaning to them. "waking up to your eyes, endless over" doesn't make sense grammatically. it's good to see someone can still find meaning in meaningless things though, that's beautiful.

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twee...you are a fool if you think words must conform to some grammatical standard in order to make "sense". does your mind contain not a single bit of abstract thought? maybe endless over is making reference to the fact that he wakes up to her face often, or that some sort of endless feeling of sleep is over. maybe the two phrases aren't even related. what bothers me even more about your comment, is that you go on to pat another user on the back for finding something meaningless beautiful, as if you are some wide-minded father figure of this forum. in all honestly, this is the first time i have ever bashed someone on the internet. i was just far too embarrassed for you and disgusted with what you said, that i couldn't let it go unreprimanded.

anyway, your comment sucks. and i love this song.

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twee...you are a fool if you think words must conform to some grammatical standard in order to make "sense". does your mind contain not a single bit of abstract thought? maybe endless over is making reference to the fact that he wakes up to her face often, or that some sort of endless feeling of sleep is over. maybe the two phrases aren't even related. what bothers me even more about your comment, is that you go on to pat another user on the back for finding something meaningless beautiful, as if you are some wide-minded father figure of this forum. in all honestly, this is the first time i have ever bashed someone on the internet. i was just far too embarrassed for you and disgusted with what you said, that i couldn't let it go unreprimanded.

anyway, your comment sucks. and i love this song.

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that was some good bashin' you got in there. but are you seriously defending that butthole surfer up there? he called cherry cream on boring, ???? and honestly, abstract meanings are most of the time bullshit. you're basically making it mean whatever you want, as you just did in your comment. if you really want i can try to bash some meaning out of a mark robinson song, but i'm almost sure that whatever he says is exactly what he's trying to say. the sort of thought you promote though is a damn slippery slope, look at visual art, paintings and whatnot. i was wandering around a museum and i saw two completely black canvases in two different areas in the museum, and people took more than thirty seconds to stare at each one. i'm not saying unrest is the musical version of that, but i'm guessing you'd be one of "intellectuals" staring and analyzing the dartboard i saw hanging on a white wall yesterday. too deep for words.

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fuck that. abstract meanings are bullshit? people who can't grasp at anything beyond where they are specifically directed are bullshit. i used abstract to describe a way of thinking about it, the point being, the bus doesn't always stop across the street from your house. sometimes one has to make a few turns to get there, you know? besides, its hardly an abstract lyric at all. i dunno. i find it hard to believe that "waking up to your eyes" really boggles anyones mind. if it boggles yours, so be it.

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also, not really defending that douche. he comes off as a douche. but you came off as a bit bigger douche, no offence.

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fuck that. abstract meanings are bullshit? people who can't grasp at anything beyond where they are specifically directed are bullshit. i used abstract to describe a way of thinking about it, the point being, the bus doesn't always stop across the street from your house. sometimes one has to make a few turns to get there, you know? besides, its hardly an abstract lyric at all. i dunno. i find it hard to believe that "waking up to your eyes" really boggles anyones mind. if it boggles yours, so be it.

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Hey, it's an Internet forum: where the illusion of anonymity encourages increasing depths of personal ridicule.

So much more fulfilling than discussing, uh, I dunno...song meanings?

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Even with the bashing this is kind of an elavated discussion for rock interpretation. My two cents is that it is straightforwardly a love song, a particularly beautiful one, where perhaps Mark Robinson got a little lucky with the way his words and ideas strung together. "I do believe your eyes." "I do believe your face." Those are lovely and totally unual expressions of love for this (let's face it) limited genre. They are like art. They are art. It's absolutely one of the best songs of the 1990s.

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