Dance Tonight Lyrics
Everybody gonna feel alright
Everybody gonna dance around tonight
Everybody gonna hit the ground
Everybody gonna dance around tonight
You can do anything you want to do
Everybody gonna feel alright
Everybody gonna dance around tonight
You can do anything you want to do
Everybody's gonna feel the beat
Everybody's gonna dance around tonight
Everybody's gonna feel alright
Everybody's gonna dance around tonight
Everybody's gonna sing it out
Everybody's gonna dance around tonight
You can do anything you want to do
Everybody's gonna feel alright
Everybody's gonna dance around tonight
Everybody's gonna dance around tonight
Everybody's gonna feel alright tonight

I for one love it. It's great at what it was meant to be; a light, fun pop rock song. I love intellectual thought in songs just as much as the next guy, but that doesn't mean I hate songs just because the lyrics are subpar. This song makes me feel good, and I don't see why others don't feel good listening to it as well.
Dude, oh my god yes. I fill with joy as soon as the mandolin kicks in
Dude, oh my god yes. I fill with joy as soon as the mandolin kicks in

Wow Spoonman, the reason he wrote this song is because whenever he would play the mandolin, his daughter would dance to it. Its a simple and cute song, there's no reason to get worked up by it, if you don't like it, don't listen to it.

don't be such a prick....ever hear some of the beatles old stuff? that stuff is 50x more gay than this, yet they still kick ass. this is a great "happy" song. love life

i personally think it sounds good, but not quite as good as paul mcartney should be doing. i mean seriously, he was in the fucking bealtes. this is like a song that i listen to once or twice a month in my friends car while we are blazing. disappointment

People who criticize Paul McCartney must have a lot of free time on their hands. Hey People: Macca isn't God. He can't produce a Baby I'm Amazed, an Uncle Albert, a Band on the Run, a Take It Away,a Put It There, or a Freedom EVERY time he writes!! How many artists have written even five truly great songs? How many 60's icons are even relevant anymore? The man is one of a kind. Yeah he has slipped into mediocrity sometimes, but who hasn't? How many musicians wish that they had written and performed Dance Tonight? Paul McCartney sneezes and produces more excellent music than most people even dream of.

People who criticize Paul McCartney must have a lot of free time on their hands. Hey People: Macca isn't God. He can't produce a Baby I'm Amazed, an Uncle Albert, a Band on the Run, a Take It Away,a Put It There, or a Freedom EVERY time he writes!! How many artists have written even five truly great songs? How many 60's icons are even relevant anymore? The man is one of a kind. Yeah he has slipped into mediocrity sometimes, but who hasn't? How many musicians wish that they had written and performed Dance Tonight? Paul McCartney sneezes and produces more excellent music than most people even dream of.

He's talking about his funeral. When he dies he wants his funeral to be a celebration, not a mourning.

personally, Paul is my least favorite Beatle, and i couldn't stand his songs, but if the rest of the new album sounds like this, i will buy it. This song is great. I heard another song off the new album, and I was like "I've never heard this before, this sounds like George." I think, I'm going to buy this album.

People keep complaining that the lyrics suck or the song sucks, but really, i mean the song is so simple and it sounds amazing. I would like to here someone else on here write something else this good.

I like this song! Easy to be happy when you listen to this. Although I'm more of a Lennon fan, this song is better than that "emo" music they play nowadays!