9 Meanings
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The Way The Wind Blows Lyrics

Now it's come to this.
It's like we're back in the Dark Ages.
From the Middle East to the Middle West.
It's a world of superstition.

Now it's come to this.
Wide-eyed armies of the faithful
from the Middle East to the Middle West.
Pray, and pass the ammunition.

So many people think that way.
You gotta watch what you say.
To them and them, and others, too
who don't seem to see things the way you do.

We can only grow the way the wind blows
on a bare and weathered shore.
We can only bow to the here and now
in our elemental war.

We can only grow the way the wind blows.
We can only bow to the here and now
or be broken down blow by blow.

Now it's come to this.
Hollow speeches of mass deception.
from the Middle East to the Middle West
like crusaders in unholy alliance.

Now it's come to this--
like we're back in the dark ages.
From the Middle East to the Middle West
it's a plague that resists all science.

It seems to leave them partly blind
and they leave no child behind
while evil spirits haunt their sleep--
while shepards bless and count their sheep.

Like a solitary pine
on a bare wind-blasted shore
we can only grow the way the wind blows.
Song Info
Submitted by
stephanierush07 On Apr 28, 2007
9 Meanings
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Seems to be written from Neil Pearts Objectivist Philosophy which veiws all religons as evil because they require self sacrifice and often are used as systems of control. Because you can't logically argue one way or the other the existance of God on sensory data. He has a point the mystics of the spirit are the ones who are bringing back a war from the dark ages onto the heads of the modern world.

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One adendum for any who didn't know much of Rush's music is inspired by the works and philosphy of Ayn Rand.

@PCS153 I realize this is an old comment, but Neil gave up the Objectivist philosophy long before Snakes and Arrows. The arc of his lyrics and world view evolved greatly as he gained life experience, and Neil described himself as a left wing libertarian, not a right-wing one, which is what Rand represented. This song is openly anti-Objectivist. Yes, Neil was inspired by Rand early, and then he grew up.

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Neil at his most scathing.

Just glorious words, absolutely glorious.

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There is no doubt that this song is an admonishment of the war in Iraq as well as George bush. At the same time it equally condemns the middle east philosophy.

first verse - we are back to a time pre-enlightenment. a world based on superstition and fear, this is true for the west as well as the east.

2nd verse - both sides have eager soldiers ready to defend their cause, they pray to their god and ready there weapons of death

bridge - there are many who follow that path of superstition and war but some of us see things differently, believing in more peaceful alternatives as well as not blindly following religion and superstitions. And we have to be careful about our different points of view as both sides will flog us for it.

chorus - Those of us that see things differently are forced to sit and watch the destruction proceed and can do nothing about it. If we try we will be broken down by both sides by not following in step.

3rd verse - perhaps the most telling. now it's come to this - our leaders give speeches to the masses that are not grounded in fact. rather they mislead us to serve "the" agenda. Both sides are both fighting in the name of their perceived god - Allah and Jesus (how many times has Bush rallied about God and religion and talked of a "crusade" "against the evil doers". So in that way both sides are like crusaders, but are in fact unholy for the death and destruction they bring.)

4th and 5th verse - the science line is also an interesting one , of which an entire paper could be written. Both sides are fueld by their religion and not by rational thought. Also, Bush's refusal to except science over religion (evolution?) This refusal to base their thinking in rational thought leaves them blinded. "they leave no child behind" is a direct assault on Bush, infamously known among other things for passing the No child left behind act which has taken almost as much critiscm as the war itself. In this is a paradox - the same people that claim to care and want to leave no child behind are the same ones that are casing death and destruction to innocent people and, in fact, leaving them behind. The next two lines of evil spirits and sheperds is another religious reference.

-Excellent song and my personal favorite off of the new album "Snakes and Arrows"

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this is an awesome song, and i love theyre new album, goin to see them in october = ]

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i think this song is about human beings fighting for a cause, and that thats all we can fight for or our own country will tear us down. It talks about the suicide bombers fighting from the east "wide eyed armies of the faithfull" and talks about soldiers from the west, fighting for no religion "crusaders...unholy alliance". this song is awesome and should be a revolutionary song amongst young people of today. "speches of mass deception", i think this talks of the television and propaganda that tells us that we are right and the east are evil, when infact we are killing inicent men, women, and children as are the east. This song is an eye opener. Rush are an awesome band, one of my favourites and this song is one of my favourite rush songs. 10 out of 10

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I agree about all thunderoad02 said. Especially ''Hollow speeches of mass deception.'' That George Bush is using our religion against us to go to war. THEY ARE STILL AWESOME!

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This song is about the dangers of the rising tide of religious fundamentalism in the world, be it Muslim (the Middle East) or Christian (the Middle-West). The song lashes out at the atmosphere of intolerance and war-mongering that inevitably results from fundamentalism.

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The intro and solo have Alex playing with a passion and blues feel I don't think I've heard before from him. Anniversary of my first Rush show, Moving Pictures Tour 12/21/81 Byrne Arena<, E Rutherford NJ. Still my favorite band.

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