'Cause I'm tired of these scenes
For a blue coin won't you bring back
All those colors to my dreams.
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane
Sugar man met a false friend
On a lonely dusty road
Lost my heart when I found it
It had turned to dead black coal.
Jumpers, coke, sweet Mary Jane
That makes my questions disappear
Sugar man 'cause I'm weary
Of those double games l hear.

Hahaha, this guy is only famous in South Africa and Australia... Weird, this song is about drugs and the false security it brings... And all that stuff. I like it :)
I'm in Canada and I know who he is.
I'm in Canada and I know who he is.

I really wish Rodriguez had a larger American following. No one, and I mean NO ONE, in America knows about him or his music. This song is significant for me because this is the first song that I heard of his and I had absolutely no idea who it was and it took me quite a while to find out. It was all worth it because he is a gift to the world. Especially South Africa and Australia...

this is definitely about drugs, and i am so happy i found this artist! can't wait to keep listening.
beautiful description of the sickly sweet silence that drugs bring.

Listen to it with headphones! You'll thank me,

The way college students listen to music and/or use drugs and question the authorities are all what made him such a big hit. In Zimbabwe he was legendary.

yeah i only heard of him through a movie but he is a great artist and cold facts is the best album by him
@c-ro He only made two, and the second one probably wasn't quite as stunning and the first, so I guess you're correct. A total mystery how this singer didn't catch on in his homeland.
@c-ro He only made two, and the second one probably wasn't quite as stunning and the first, so I guess you're correct. A total mystery how this singer didn't catch on in his homeland.

yeah, i heard him on the movie "Candy" which was amazing. this song is fantastic, i think im going to check out more of his stuff.

I've heard this one song many times, but knew nothing about the artist nor had heard any more of his work. I'm interested now in the new acclaimed doc on his life and in hearing more.

Every other song on Cold Fact is just as good as this one, I'd recommend a full listen to the album, it is spectacular. Sugar Man just happens to be the catchiest.

Tipo de los tripis (Sugar man) (Translated into Spaniard Spanish)
Tipo de los tripis, no tengas prisa, porque estoy cansado de estas escenas. Por una triste moneda, ¿le devolverias todos los colores a mis sueños?
Mágicos barcos de plata, anfetas, coca y dulce maría...
Tipo de los tripis, me encontré con un falso amigo en una calle solitaria y polvorienta. Tipo de los tripis, perdí mi corazón cuando lo encontré. Se había convertido en un negro carbón muerto.
Mágicos barcos de plata, anfetas, coca y dulce maría...
Tipo de los tripis, eres la respuesta que hace que todas mis preguntas desaparezcan. Tipo de los tripis, porque estoy hastiado de todos esos dobles juegos de los que oigo hablar.
Mágicos barcos de plata, anfetas, coca y dulce maría...