14 Meanings
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Head on a Plate Lyrics

Breathe kids the mold is getting old
It’ll be gone any day
The hipster empire of tomorrow
Will fall to the common kids of today

With tied wrists, we're under they're control
With fists clenched, we're taking on the world
I write words with cathartic intentions
That spawn revolutions and lies

They're asking for my, my head on a plate
They're asking for my, my head on a plate
I'm really, really not
That conceded I swear I’m not

I'm just trying to bring
Music back to music
I define up and coming
They already came up and went

I'm loosed lipped now shaking back and forth
Problem fixed I'm pouring out my soul
I find the right words to express myself
Instead of fitting ‘round pegs and 'round holes

And what a lovely day for a symphony
Full with honesty and integrity
So take this for what's it worth
Originality’s not a curse

They're asking for my, my head on a plate
They're asking for my, my head on a plate
I'm really, really not
That conceded I swear I’m not

I'm just trying to bring
Music back to music
I define up and coming
They already came up and went

They're asking for my, my head on a plate
They're asking for my, my head on a plate
I'm really, really not
That conceded I swear I’m not

I'm just trying to bring
Music back to music
I define up and coming
They already came up and went
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14 Meanings

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Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

Seriously? No one commented on this yet? Well mark my words, it will become a well known song amongst the lot of you I'm sure.

Amazingly written, and though I just heard it for the first time, it seems like it's about popularity of songs, his in particular.

"I'm just trying to bring music back to music.."

Well done again.

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

Yeah I think the overall meanings is clear, I'm just purplexed by the beginning.

"The hipster empire of tomorrow Will fall to the common kids of today"

i may be off here but i think that he's trying to say that the common kids are doomed to the trends of tomorrow. that fits along with the originality is not a curse theme, its like he is saying that it's a shame what has happened to uniqueness... i dunno buts thats all i can gather.

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Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

"I find the right words to express myself Instead of fitting ‘round pegs and 'round holes"

i get the impression that this should be "fitting round pegs in round holes" because he's saying he writes what he feels, not what he feels like he should because it's what works and what people expect.

"originality's not a curse" i love this line. bayside have something unique about them, and he's saying this isn't a bad thing.

overall the meaning of this song is pretty obvious. i really like it. the new cd is a grower, but it's growing pretty fast.

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

This is a great song, but i have only one problem with it...the first line. "Breathe kids the mold is getting old." The fact that mold and old rhyme just bothers me for some odd reason.

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

I think the whole first verse is just meant to say that what's popular or cool today won't be in a few years, when "the hipster empire of tomorrow" falls to the common kids of today; or, every kid out there right now. it seems our society only pays attention to the kids that aren't common, the ones that have something that make them stand out and they flaunt it. I think they're trying to say that in a few years, every person is going to be important... After hearing this album, I can only think that they're going to be huge... even if they haven't yet, it's only a matter of time.

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

it simple its about the new myspace music generation and the record company bosses hwo are under pressure to persuade theese bands to sign with them

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

i love this new bayside. there not just writing about heartbreaks and sorrow. i love it.

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

i think this song is about how the bands nowadays seem to try and come up with the biggest gimick(please don't hold spelling against me) instead of making music that they are proud of and will stand the test of time, up until this cd came out i was feeling really down about the state of the "scene", i hadn't really been impressed with any albums the last couple of years and it seemed inevitable bands would start breaking up and blah blah blah, well in short i think bayside could put the rock industry on their back and carry them following this cd

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

this song is the reason why i've always loved bayside how they don't back down from what they stand for.

"I'm loosed lipped now shaking back and forth Problem fixed I'm pouring out my soul I find the right words to express myself Instead of fitting ‘round pegs and 'round holes

And what a lovely day for a symphony Full with honesty and integrity So take this for what's it worth Originality’s not a curse"

that part gives me chills every time i listen to it.

Cover art for Head on a Plate lyrics by Bayside

i'm pretty sure it's "i'm really not that conceited, I swear, I'm not" i dont think "conceded" makes much sense in that context could be wrong tho

awesome song!