166 Meanings
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Kelsey Lyrics

So take one word you said
You put it in your bed
You rest your tiny head on your pillow
You wonder where you're going next
You got your head pushed to my chest
And now you're hoping that someone let's you in
well I swear I'll let you in
you know I'll let you in
oh Kelsey, you...

So don't let anyone scare you
You know that I'll protect you
Always all through the thick and thin
Until the end
You better watch it
You know you don't cross it because
I'm always here for you
And i'll be here for you
(I know x3) i know how it feels believe me
I've been there
(I know x3) i know what it feels like
Tell me Kelsey

I'd swim the ocean for you
The ocean for you
Whoa, oh Kelsey
And I'd swim the ocean for you
Swim the ocean for you
Whoa, oh Kelsey

Now it's going to get harder
And it's going to burn brighter
And it's going to feel tougher each and every day
So let me say that I love you
You're all that I've ever wanted
All that I've ever dreamed of to come
and yes you did come

I want you so bad
can you feel it too?
you know I'm so, I'm so in love you
I want you so much
I need you so much
I need you, I need you, your touch

I'd swim the ocean for you
The ocean for you
Whoa, oh Kelsey
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166 Meanings

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Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

this song is about a cat. i'll tell you why. first off you have to ignore the first line because cats don't say words unless your drunk. "you rest your tiny head on your pillow". wow. what do you know? cats have tiny heads. nobody but cats actually push themselves (their heads) against someones chest. "well i sure'll let you in"

i love your relevance towards cats its a very interesting take i kind of see it as a girl whos possibly been hurt in the past and is scared to let him in (to her heart and love him) things may have happened in the past but he doesn't wanna hurt her and stuff...

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A girl would if she's hurt or crying. I think it's about a girl who's been hurt and feels unappreciated ("hoping someone lets you in"). And he's saying he'd be glad to let her in and do anything for her ("swim the ocean") if she just asked. But he can't say anything ("so let me say that I love you") possibly because they're just good friends and he doesn't think she'd feel the same way about him. Just my interpretation though.

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Fuck cats.... MOO!!

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Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

This song is definitely about a cat. My cat and I talked it over and we decided that while it would make some sense to be after an ex-girlfriend, It is most definitely about a cat. I would swim the ocean for my kitty. <3

Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

^ CATS ARE UNLIKE DOGS, THEY GET SCARED VERY EASILY AND REACT to everything as if its the 8th world wonder falling upon their heads.

cat crazy ppl would swim the ocean for their cat. i've got a neighbor like that. cries every night from his missing cat and he would certainly swim the ocean for him.

Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

the ocean at THE WAVE theme park that is. and theres no question that ppl fall in love with their cats. needing their touch ... needing them so much.

the ironic part is i hate cats. but if you consider this song about a cat...... its just as good because its a great song, about a girl or about a cat. lets all be open minded shall we?


This song is about a transvestite named Kelsey that fucks the cat every night but then leaves the cat for a goat :)

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Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

okay first i love the cat rationale. everytime i hear this song that's all i can think of. [and there is always a cat-related ad on this page. idk what that means, but i laugh] this song is really really catchy. and i think it's just about a guy who really loves a girl. and will always protect her. how charming.

Haha the cat thing cracks me up, too.. :)

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Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

lol cats.

Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

heyyy i'm a fellow kellls! a swimming kels at that. i'm currently swimming the ocean..anyone about to joinnn? and just a reminder over spring break i swam the ocean everyyyday...right by the USS ships. and i sang this song, but yet i was not thinking about kitty bear's. ya know they don't really cross my mind when i think of this song, ironic i guess. (meow meow meow meoww, meow meow meow meow meow meow..ya know that one catchy commercial? yeah, that song.) by the way, i'm so so fortunate to be a kelsey, considering this song was actaully written for me. so lay off..be jealous. and to answer all of your questions, yes i am still dating Trace, we are in loveee! actaully the wedding is july 7th in the chapel, right around the corner from Wal*Mart Supercenter, BYOB! please RSVP if you wanna make an appearance, my numba is 419.350.0927. okay and for what you should wear...string bikini's, hair nets..but please make sure that do of yours is TEASEDDD! may God bless all you kelsey cat lovers! see ya at the wed(; and if you just need a budd to text, don't be shy..the line is alwaysss open boo boo!

loveeee kels!

Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

This song is, to say the least, epic.

In my opinion, it's the best love song ever written.

I remember the first time I listened to it, I cried...and the acoustic version still makes me tear up a little.

As for the song's meaning, it's simply about a boy who loves a girl so much that he would swim the ocean for her. But of course, as with any Metro Station song, there's a little innuendo laced in there with him desperate for her...shall we say...body?

Any way around, excellent song. I love you Metro Station!

Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

My name is Kelsey so right off the bat I fell in love with this song! :) But my boyfriend is the one who first intoduced me to this song on your half a year! And I love it and y'all! :))

Cover art for Kelsey lyrics by Metro Station

i love this song