47 Meanings
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Lollipop Lyrics

Hey, what's the big idea?

Yo Mika

I said,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down,
I said,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.

Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.

I went walking in with my mama one day,
When she warned me what people say,
Live your life until love is found,
'cause love's gonna get you down.
Take a look at the girl next door,
She's a player and a down right bore,
Jesus loves her, she wants more,
Oh, bad girls get you down.

Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.

Mama told me what I should know,
Too much candy gonna rot your soul,
If she loves you, let her go,
'cause love only gets you down.
Take a look at a boy like me,
Never stood on my own two feet,
Now I'm blue, as I can be,
Oh, love can't get me down.

Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love, say love,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.

I went walking with my mama one day,
When she warn me what people say,
Live your life until love is found,
Or love's gonna get you down.

Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love (say love), say love (say love),
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
Say love (say love), say love (say love),
Oh, love's gonna get you down.

Mama told me what I should know,
Too much candy gonna rot your soul,
If she loves you, let her go,
'cause love only gets you down.

Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.
Whoa-oh, whoa-oh, whoa-oh, lollipop.

Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down,
Sucking too hard on your lollipop,
Oh, love's gonna get you down.
47 Meanings
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I Find It Interesting. Sucking To hard On Your Lollipop... That Just Interests Me.. Now, I Think That Means That You Should Take Your Time Finishing Your Lollipop. The Lollipop Symbolizes Innocence. Basically, I Believe This Saying Is Talking About Taking Your "Sweet" Time With Falling In Love. Loves Gonna Get You Down. This Is In Direct Phrasing With Bad Girls Are Gonna Get You Down. One Might Put These Together And Think That These Two Lines Mean Overall Love Makes You Sad.

I Find This Very Ironic However. The Song Is Talking About Never Finding Love, And If You Do, Don't Love Back. The Song Has Sad Lyrics. However The Songs Rhythm And Beat Is In The Form Of Happy Music.

This Rarely Happens In Music.

It's Like Singing A Song About 9/11 To The Rhythm Of When The Saints Go Marchin' In.

Overall I Think This Song Is Appealing To Us Because It Reminds Us Of Our Innocence. The Ironic Lyrics And Beat Also "Tickles" Our Sensories. When Something Is Funny, It Is Usually Because The Opposite Of What Should Happens, Happens.

A Song With Sad Lyrics And A Happy Beat Means That Our Brain Interprets The Song As Being Funny.. And When Something Is Funny, It Makes Us Happy.

I agree with you completely, and i got confused in the same part you discuss the Irony. If you ever figure out that, please let me know.

Oh, I don't think it's so sad. I think it's saying take your time falling in love, "live your life until love is found, or love's gonna get you down". As in, be happy and don't force anything, live completely in and out of love, and enjoy being what you are instead of pushing too hard for something you don't need.

Dude, Mika has a ton of ecstatically happy music and suicide-sad lyrics. Get used to it.

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I think the song is about not getting obsessed with love (sucking too hard on the lollipop) because it will break your heart. Instead, you just "live your life until love is found" and think about other things, moving along until you find something that works for you. So, don't spend your whole life searching for love, or you'll forget to live it and ultimately be disappointed by the results of your search.

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I feel so stupid! My ex-boyfriend gave me this CD 3 weeks before he dumped me unexpectedly... And 5 months later I still can't get over him... Love really got me down. I should have just listened to Mika.... ='(

Yes, me too

I never had a boyfriend before and I was 17. I hated myself because I never had one before. I thaught I wasn't normal. Thaught I was too ugly. Thaught I needed love to be happy. Everyone said that's not true, you're pretty. You just haven't found Mr/Mrs Right, you'll see. You shouldn't be thinking you need love to be happy. (Actually they said what Momma said in the song)

Few months ago, I had my first love. (Okay, it was a girl but that doesn't matter now)Our relation lasted no longer than a week. I was...

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GR8 SONG! Yer, his says 'bore' on the album and 'whore' live.

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I think the lollipop shows her innocence, and basically if you suck on it too hard, the lollipop will get smaller and eventually gone, so hes all like take your time, enjoy the lollipop (innocence, young life) while you still have it. before is too late and you have to deal with grown up stuff like love

Now I get the lollipop=innocence thing! Now I understand! Thank you!! ^^

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"sucking too hard on your lollipop" means to dwell over something (usually love related) until it becomes obsessive.

The message that I got from this song was that one should not suck too hard on their lollipop, otherwise they will not see the love around them.

. . . . -shrugs- It's a catchy, cute song. Might coreograph to it sometime :3

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My theme song for the summer! I don't want to waste my holidays worrying about some unrequited love. Woo woo to Mika!

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Before reading this page, I had a very dfferent idea of what this song was about. Going with what Schock was saying (though why the hell did you capitalize every damn word?), I also thought the contrast between lyrics and music was interesting, because the lyrics were so cynical seeming and hopeless while the music was very happy and energetic. I first thought that the song was claiming that entering into a committed relationship was only setting yourself up for pain and heartbreak, much more than it was worth. The lines "Suckin' too hard on your lollipop, oh love's gonna get you down" and "too much candy's gonna rot your soul" then meant that striving for love was just going to cause you to become bitter (because the relationship will inevitably fail to satisfy the need for love) and a more miserable person. As in, the more/harder you try the worse it gets.

However, after hearing what he had to say about it, reading the lyrics out of the actual booklet, and seeing the picture behind said lyrics, I am more than willing to believe that the song's meant to convince his sister to save herself sexually.

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I heard this song on a children's dance routine video and had to find it. My teenager said it's been on her iPod for a while. I can't quit listening to it. This and Mika's "Love Today" both sound as if they were written decades ago. I think "Lollipop" is a suggestion not to obsess on love too much and not to be in such a hurry or love will get you down.

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Okay, here is my interpretation and a whole analysis of the song, sentence par sentence

I said, sucking too hard on your lollipop, or love's gonna get you down,

-> When Lollipop means innocence, then this means that, when you suck too hard on it, your lollipop will get smaller and smaller. Then suddenly it will be too late and your lollipop/innocence will be gone. And than you'll have to think about hard 'grown up stuff'. -> When it's sexually, it means that when you are too obsessed about your love, love will get you down when the relationship ends.

I went walking in with my mama one day, when she warn me what people say, live your life until love is found, 'cause love's gonna get you down.

-> Here his mother gives him some good advice. She sais to him that he shouldn't be too focused on love. That he just should live his life and be happy with what you have. Don't search for love, cuz you know what they say: when you search for it, you won't find it, and when you stopped searching for it, than you suddenly find it! When you keep on looking for love, it will get you down, cuz it wil always be dissapointing and forced.

Take a look at the girl next door, she's a player and a down right whore, Jesus loves her, she wants more, oh bad girls get you down.

-> Watch out for the girl with ho you start dating. Think twice if this person is the right choice for you. But can anyone explain me the 'Jesus part? Cuz I don't understand that part. What the hell has Jesus to do with all this? How can jesus love her if she's a bore/whore?

Mama told me what I should know, too much candy gonna rot your soul,

-> Too much innocence isn't good too, because than you never grow up. -> Agian: when you are too much focused on love, you will forget to live, love will rot your soul.

if she loves you, let her go, 'cause love only gets you down.

-> this I don't really understand. is it his mother that protects te girl by saying that he should let the girl go? Because love will get her down? Or is she protecting her son by saying that love will only tet him down, so he'd better not begin with relationships now?

Take a look at the boy like me, never stood on my own two feet, now I'm blue, as I can be, oh love come get me down!

-> I'm really sure about what this line means: He's ready for his first relationship (or at least he thinks he's ready for one) and he wants to figure out if it's true what his momma said. He never stood on his own two feet, that means that they had never given him te chance to experiment and find those things out himself. Now that he's got the chance to experiment and to find out whether what they say is true, he's really willing to find out. By saying: Love, come and get me down, he challenges the quotes of his mother and thinks: come on love, I'm ready for it, let's see if what they said is true!

My Interpretation

The Jesus part, I think it's a metaphor. Mika is talking about the girl's boyfriend. Like he's a really good guy and loves her and he's really loyal, but she wants more and cheats on him. That's how I see it. PS. I'm learning english so if it's a bit weird, now you know (:

@klikkie Jesus loves everyone with the true form of love (not romantic love). Not everyone loves Jesus, however.

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