Hey Brittany Lyrics
Why are you messing with me?
Is your boy on your mind?
Is your boy in the car, or are you alone?
So why does everything I say make you upset?
I'm not here to bring you down
Lift you up, lift you up
Go ahead and lower it down
Lower it down just a little bit
Just a little bit
Lower it down
(Where do we go?)
You cannot know
(When you just have to fight to be alone)
You will not know (x2)
Where is your engagement ring?
Did it mean anything?
Does the boy with the ring
Know you bounce, bounce, bounce around?
So how am I supposed to act when you're around him
When everything he says brings you down?
Brings you down, brings you down
Go ahead and lower it down
Lower it down just a little bit
Just a little bit
Lower it down
(Where do we go?)
You cannot know
(When you just have to fight to be alone)
You will not know (x2)
When everybody knows you bounce, bounce, bounce around
Where do we go?
When everybody knows you bounce, bounce, bounce around
Go ahead and lower it down
Lower it down just a little bit
Just a little bit
(Where do we go?)
You cannot know
(When you just have to fight to be alone)
You will not know
(Where do we go?)
You cannot know
(When you just have to fight to be alone)

first off, I love this song and forever the sickest kids is AMAZING!
the meaning of the song seems pretty obvious. a girl who's engaged but she's messing around with another guy, and he wants to be with her but doesn't want to be responsible for starting a bunch of drama. and the girl is basically all over the place, doesn't know what she wants so the guy on the side is fed up with it all.
oh and great job on the lyrics, it's really hard to distinguish on some parts even when the song is playing at reduced speed. but I'm pretty sure it's "lower it down" not "load it down" besides that everything else makes perfect sense and you've filled in the gaps for me.

No. All of you are wrong. It's about this band whore by the name of Brittinea Campbell. Also a huge myspace whore who has fucked just about every scene band member known to the human race.

mm. i think you're right. i wasn't too sure about it. but lower it down is audible.

i love this song. it's great !

Eh, These Are Good Lyrics. But Some Of The Parts Aren't Right.
So These Are The Real Lyrics:
Hey Brittany. Why Are You Messing With Me? Is Your Boy On Your Mind? Is Your Boy In The Car? Or Are You Alone?
So Why, Does Everything I Say Just Make You Upset? And I'm Not Here To Bring You Down. Lift You Up, Lift You Up.
So Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Go Ahead And Lower It Down. Lower It Down Just A Little Bit. Just A Little Bit. (Lower It Down)
So Where Do We Go? Where Do We Go? You Cannot Know, You Will Not Know. (When You Just Have To Fight To Be Alone)
So Where Do We Go? Where Do We Go? You Cannot Know, You Will Not Know. (When You Just Have To Fight To Be Alone)
Hey Brittany. Where Is Your Engagement Ring? Did It Mean Anything? Does The Boy With The Ring Know You Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Around? So How Am I Supposed To Act When Your Around Him? When Everything He Says Just Brings You Down. Brings You Down, Brings You Down.
So Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Go Ahead And Lower It Down. Lower It Down Just A Little Bit. Just A Little Bit. (Lower It Down)
So Where Do We Go? Where Do We Go? You Cannot Know, You Will Not Know. (When You Just Have To Fight To Be Alone)
So Where Do We Go? Where Do We Go? You Cannot Know, You Will Not Know. (When You Just Have To Fight To Be Alone)
So Where Do We Go, When Everybody Knows? (When Everybody Starts To Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Around)
Where Do We Go, When Everybody Knows? (When Everybody Starts To Bounce, Bounce, Bounce Around)
So Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. Go Ahead And Lower It Down. Lower It Down, Just A Little Bit, Just A Little Bit.
So Where Do We Go? Where Do We Go? You Cannot Know, You Will Not Know. (When You Just Have To Fight To Be Alone)
So Where Do We Go? Where Do We Go? You Cannot Know, You Will Not Know. (When You Just Have To Fight To Be Alone)

maybe part of the reason i like this song so much, is because my name is brittany, and this song is just lovely. but no matter what the reason is, i love it. :D FTSK never fails to amaze me.

my favorite!

haha i love this song. i heard this song after i started listening to the forever the sickest kids and now i love them even more cuz my names brittany lol

the song is pretty straight forward, they're so good though

i think the song is just about a guy who want this girl really bad...and she's playing with his head...but she isnt necisarilly engaged to her boyfriend and this guy is irritated because she wont leave for boyfriend. its really self explanitory and an idiot could figure it out...yay for me