HTML Rulez d00d (demo) Lyrics

and yet i've been cleansed with the water.
a purity no mind can grasp.
a purity so cool upon my fingertips.

the vision that i've seen: this is the action that spawns from the end.
for the longest time, i've been watching the world breathe against (spiderwebs).

what lies here are mountains composed of tombstones.

examine these beautiful faces, keep singing now. keep singing.

will we push bedlam noise to the state of blissfulness?
display her beauty to the people.
a purity no mind can grasp.
33 Meanings
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The song is definitely Christ or baptism related. Of course its religious. Look up all their sites, myspace, intervews etc. They say all the lyrics are all made to lift God up and are all related to it. They are full Christian and arent ashamed of it.

@those flaming Christians.

Err alright, Christianity isn't religion. It isn't a routine such as yeah we go to Church and pray before we go to bed. No. Its a PERSONAL relationship with God. That's what it is. Giving money to the church as ties and offering is just being obedient to God. As it says in the bible to do so. And its sad yes that some churches don't do the right thing but if we give we are still being obedient. 99 % of the time we give for a the good cause and help the poor. Dont you guys know that a lot of the stuff around is not just from the Government but the Church also support it.

And yeah its also sad that there are "Christians" who make every other Christian look "bad" with swearing and all. I mean we shouldnt do it, but no body is perfect.

Overall dont think Christianity is a religion and people scam you. Just have it on a personal level. Its either you believe or you dont. You guys all flame, coz you havent found Him. And when you do, you'll look at everything differently.

Anyway TDWP is awesome xD You follow or you dont.

YOU actually know what your talking about :-]

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this song has been stuck in my head for the last couple of days.

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The obvious meaning is obvious, but come on... What gives with the completely pointless song title. Someone explain. HTML rulez d00d?!?! right... uh.... wait... what?

TDWP title's are all random on purpose. xD

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And to the arguement: WOW, you know this just proves the whole point in religion being bullshit because there was one dude who just brought up "no, you're all wrong, im right, i know everything" when the guy was indeed wrong. i mean that shows how everything with religion is just a competition. they all believe in the same jesus or god but why all the different churches of one religion like "presbyterian, lutheran, catholic, etc." it's all just a race and most religions say in there bible somewhere a minimum amount of money you should give to your church for the charity bucket deal, its all a scam in a way. anyways long story short... im religion free and smoke and grow all the pot i want and i am fucking happy as fuck and i sit back and watch all these religion fanatics freak out while they ARE ALL CORRUPT, i swear a lot of christians shun people and are complete assholes.


You must of smoked yourself retarded a few months back because


  • The money given to the churches goes to thousands of charitys and is notified by the people given the money
  • We don't go around screaming "DONATE NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER FIND SALVATION"
  • Christians who shun others arent christians as all. REAL christians are friends/friendly and show trust and kindess to ALL religions, and want nothing more then peace, and being as close as god as possible.
  • Don't start typing until your know what your typing about.

  • The money given to the churches goes to thousands of charitys and is notified by the people given the money
  • We don't go around screaming "DONATE NOW OR YOU WILL NEVER FIND SALVATION"
  • Christians who shun others arent christians as all. REAL christians are friends/friendly and show trust and kindess to ALL religions, and want nothing more then peace, and being as close as god as possible.
  • Don't start typing until your know what your typing about.

    The christian religion recieves billions of dollars every year of tax free money. Most of the that money goes to paying the salaries of all the priests, cardinals, and other employees. Religion is a business. And if christians are so peace loving explain the crusades and the inquisitions. I'm not saying christians are bad people, its just that they are blind followers. Scientology is a prime example of why religion is so stupid, and how blindly religion is followed. Think about what you believe in, don't be a sheep.

    And as a side note you can't smoke yourself retarded with...

    scientology is a cult not a religion... just sayin.

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    My favorite TDWP song

    same here! its been my ringtone for over a year now lol... THE VISION THAT, I HAVE SEEEN!!! THIS IS THE ACTION THAT SPAWNS FROM THE E- Hello? can you call back? i wanna listen to my phone ring again. HaH! anyway. totally agree with you d00d...

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    This song has one of TDWP's greatest lyrical meanings, because it is about the feeling that he feels when being baptized. No mind can grasp that purity, unless they have also been baptized.

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    thats one of the most amazing songs with the most amazing and inspiring lyrics i've ever heard

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    This Song Is Pure Energy To Me, it has it all. Awesome.

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    Plagues is gunna be the shit

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    lyrics about baptism?

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