An urgency will sweep, sweep, sweep
or sleep, sleep, sleeping hearts.
Our complacency won't last much longer.
An urgency will sweep.
with every waking breath.
And cry "mercy! mercy" at every day's end.
Yet we remain quiet and comfortable in our A to B lives.
We're so quiet and comfortable in our A to B lives.
An urgency will sweep, sweep, sweep
or sleep, sleep, sleeping hearts.
Our complacency won't last much longer.
An urgency will sweep.
yet not understand the weight of our words
nor the depth of His love.
But he will deliver. Failure is beneath him.
Yes, he will deliver. Failure's not an option.
An urgency will sweep, sweep, sweep
or sleep, sleep, sleeping hearts.
Our complacency won't last much longer.
An urgency will sweep.
Hey you, yeah you.
And will the weak of mind to warn the wicked.
Wake! Wake the complacent.
Hey you, yeah you,
and will the weak of mind
to warn the wicked, so wicked.
and let's not forget to warn the...
An urgency will sweep.
Until that day I will laugh dance and sing,
for I know that, that day is soon to be seen.

i love this song my fav!!!
They are talking about waking people up for their own good. that the ignorance from what is to come and about God's love for us has gone on long enough.
Hey! :D Great response check out my interpretation and tell me whatcha' think about it.
Hey! :D Great response check out my interpretation and tell me whatcha' think about it.

Yes, this song is freaking awesome. GREAT album starter.
I just think it refers to waking up in general, us christians getting off our lazy butts and BEING the church. Loving others. NOT being complacent and quiet, but rather stepping out of comfort and confronting sin. I freaking love the first verse, "A to B" lives is a great metaphor for how americans live. no purpose whatsoever, just getting through the day.
That's a great way to look at it, check out my interpretation and tell me whatcha' think. :D
That's a great way to look at it, check out my interpretation and tell me whatcha' think. :D

The chorus is as follows:
"Our complacency won't last much longer An urgency will sweep our sleeping hearts"
In the song, what he says is, "An urgency will sweep sweep sweep our sleep sleep sleeping hearts".
That's a great way to look at it, check out my interpretation and tell me whatcha' think. :D
That's a great way to look at it, check out my interpretation and tell me whatcha' think. :D

This is a great song in which helps motivate me in many ways. Here is My Interpretation of Days End by Ivoryline:
I think this song's meaning is that We as Christians are thankful to God for a new day of life, yet what are we doing in our actions to show God we love him? And when we almost experience death or something tragic we thank God but we don't do anything to change our lives in the way we live and evangelize. We are sitting around enjoying our lives while there is a world outside of our door that is going to Hell, and we act like everything is ok.
Thanks for reading what I think this song means, it may not be perfect but I tried my best to make it understandable. And if you have time check out my YouTube Channel where I will be making a video on this site to lead people to this site so they can understand the songs in Christian music, here is the link: SHare me with friends and family so we can start something BIG! Thanks! :D
I'll give my verse to verse interpretation on of this song:
Our complacency won't last much longer. (Meaning our sitting around just enjoying our lives and not going out to help save a World going to Hell won't last, cause God is coming soon and we need to tell those who are lost about God's Love and Saving Grace.) An urgency will sweep, sweep, sweep or sleep, sleep, sleeping hearts. (Something will happen in our lives to make us wake up and move to evangelize and live a Christ-like life.) Our complacency won't last much longer. An urgency will sweep. (Same as description above.)
We should scream "thank you" with every waking breath. (Meaning God is being patient with us and we should thank him for life.) And cry "mercy! mercy" at every day's end. (We thank God for this life but most of the time we aren't being sincere.) Yet we remain quiet and comfortable in our A to B lives. We're so quiet and comfortable in our A to B lives. (Meaning we are living our days the same with no change. We are too comfortable and not taking charge when there is a world that is going to Hell.)
Our complacency won't last much longer. An urgency will sweep, sweep, sweep or sleep, sleep, sleeping hearts. Our complacency won't last much longer. An urgency will sweep. (Same as above)
It is then when we will cry for forgiveness, yet not understand the weight of our words nor the depth of His love. (When the day comes for us to be judged on the day Jesus returns we will cry for forgiveness but not know the weight of what we are saying because we were never that concerned, only now when we need the forgiveness.) But he will deliver. Failure is beneath him. (God will deliver his promise of life to us, even though we failed him) Yes, he will deliver. Failure's not an option. (God will deliver us from death and give us life because failure isn't an opinion when he gave his son to die.)
Our complacency won't last much longer. An urgency will sweep, sweep, sweep or sleep, sleep, sleeping hearts. Our complacency won't last much longer. An urgency will sweep. (Same as before)
Wake, wake the complacent. (People who are set in there ways need to be awakened and need to take charge.) Hey you, yeah you. (The listener, we need to take charge and live for Christ) And will the weak of mind to warn the wicked. (Us, who are weak and not living for Christ need to warn those who are on their way to an eternal life of death/suffering/Separation from God in Hell.) Wake! Wake the complacent. Hey you, yeah you, and will the weak of mind to warn the wicked, so wicked.
Wake the complacent and will the weak, and let's not forget to warn the...
Our complacency won't last much longer. An urgency will sweep. Until that day I will laugh dance and sing, for I know that, that day is soon to be seen. (God is coming and we need to be ready and spread His Word)
Thanks for reading what I think this song means, it may not be perfect but I tried my best to make it understandable. Thanks! And if you have time check out my YouTube Channel where I will be making a video on this site to lead people to this site so they can understand the songs in Christian music, here is the link: SHare me with friends and family so we can start something BIG! Thanks! :D