Ali In The Jungle Lyrics
And it's, not, where you're from, it's where you're at
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
How quick are you gonna' get up?
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
Just how are you gonna' get up?
Like Nelson in jail,
Like Simpson on the mountain,
With odds like that, they were bound to fail
Like Adam's in the dock,
Like Ludwig Van, how I loved that man,
Well the guy went deaf and didn't give a fuck, no...
Where are you going?
And it's, not, about the things you've done, it's what you're doing, now,
What are you doing, now?
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
How quick are you gonna' get up, now?
Everybody gets knocked down,
How quick are you gonna' get up?
Just how are you gonna' get up?
Like Nelson in jail,
Like Simpson on the mountain,
Well with odds like that, they were bound to fail
Like Adam's in the dock,
Like Ludwig Van, how I loved that man,
Well the guy went deaf and didn't give a fuck, no...
No, no, no
Oooh, ooh, ooh
No, no, no
Oooh, ooh, ooh
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
It's the greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
It's the greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback since Lazarus,
The greatest comeback...
It's the greatest comeback...

You're joking, right?? Adams is Samuel Adams, the dock referring the Boston Tea Party. Only an Arsenal fan would put Tony Adams up there with Beethoven and Nelson Mandela.
Good to see 3 years on I was right, type it into google.....ITS EVERYWHERE!
Good to see 3 years on I was right, type it into google.....ITS EVERYWHERE!
haha :]
haha :]

the part where it says, "with odds like that we were bound to fail" is pretty much saying that the odds were against them but they managed to come out on top. its a really amazing song

I'm gonna go with Tony Adams over Samuel Adams. "In the dock" would be English slang for "in jail", right? "Adams ON the dock" would make more sense for Sam, while "Adams IN the dock" would be a dude in jail, footballer Tony.
And that's coming from a Yank. LOL
thanks for your support ;)
thanks for your support ;)

Yeah, i think this song basically means that you will fall down a lot in life, but you cant stay down. you have to get up if you want to succeed.
I think the allusions are pretty clear. The odds were against these people and they still overcame. Muhumad Ali won the Rumble in the Jungle. Helen Keller and Ludwig Van Beethoven both became successful though they were deaf. Nelson Mendell survived going to prison. And as for the Adams, im pretty sure its Samuel Adams. but its on the Fifa commercial and the official video shows somebody kick a soccerball. Heres the video if you are interested in watching it:
Pittsburgh - Beethoven was already VERY successful when he became deaf (at an older age). He was not born deaf like Keller.
Pittsburgh - Beethoven was already VERY successful when he became deaf (at an older age). He was not born deaf like Keller.

Love the fact that 3 years ago I said it was Tony Adams....I was proved right, now THAT is the greatest comback since lazerus! The band confirmed that its Tony Adams in the comments of this video...

I heard this song on Jools Holland on Friday and absolutely loved it.
I think it's quite obviously about all the different ways we get knocked down in life, whether it's being taken down by certain specific events or being disadvantaged in some way by things in our lives outside our own control.
We're all like Ali, like the boxer. We fight to get back up as quickly as possible, before we get counted out - before the bell rings.
No matter how hard things seem, no matter how long the odds, we can always overcome things. Even when we're told it's impossible we can do it. Us humans might have sensitive skin but we're hard - if wounded - at the core.
Anything is possible.

Yep, I saw them on Jools as well. I think this might be their only good song though. (Mr Hudson) were ace.
It's about the fact that life is a never ending struggle where you will repeatedly be 'knocked down'. The message is that it happens to everybody and everybody 'get(s) up' it's just a matter of how quick. Either get up or go kill yourself. That's life.
I like the allusions in the song. 'Ali in the jungle' alludes to Muhammad Ali's fight against George Foreman 'The Rumble in the Jungle'. 'Nelson in jail' alludes to Nelson Mandella's imprisonment. 'Greatest comeback since lazarus' refers to the Bible story where Lazarus is raised from the dead by Jesus. Ludwig Van Beethoven the composer 'went deaf and didn't give a fuck'.
Can anybody else explain 'Simpson on the mountain', ' Keller in the darkness', 'Adam's in the dock'?

'Keller in the darkness' likely refers to Helen Keller a famous writer who was deaf and blind, 'Simpson on the mountain' to Joe Simpson - famous mountaineer.

i LOVE the culture references in this song. and i agree with jonathonbc.