Free Radio Post-Apocalyptic Metropolis Blues Lyrics

Thanks to theorist Helene Cixous for the phrase "Because changing I"
Between the wars they come to hox us in the stable,
so why am I holding this guitar neck like it's a bone broken through the skin?
These paragraphs aren't up for auction where your charts and graphs
do all the talking. This pen still moves like a robin tricked into love
with the click of my tongue.
Because changing I, please focus your particles on mine,
great-grands of thunder, under one sun.
I'm ready to dance when I can't run!
And I will tie this promise around my shins:
Scream Everything! Scream Everything!
Still this pen moves like a robin tricked into love with the click of my tongue!
(And we shuffle down the road with the smell in our eyes.)
Song Info
Submitted by
sarahsaurusrex On Dec 09, 2006
0 Meanings
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