Rockin' Back Inside My Heart Lyrics

Tell your heart that I'm the one
Tell your heart it's me

I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
Rockin' back inside my heart

Shadow in my house
The man he has brown eyes
She'll never go to Hollywood
Love moves me

I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
Rockin' back inside my heart

Tell your heart, you make me cry
Tell your heart, don't let me die

I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
Rockin' back inside my heart

Shadow in my house
The man he has brown eyes
She'll never go to Hollywood
Love moves me

I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
I want you
Rockin' back inside my heart
Rockin' back inside my heart
She'll never go to Hollywood.

Do you remember our picnic lunch?
We both went up to the lake
And then we walked among the pines
The birds sang out a song for us
We had a fire when we came back
And your smile was beautiful
You touched my cheek and you kissed me
At night we went for a stroll
The wind blew our hair
The fire made us warm
The wind blew the waves
Out on the lake
We heard the owl in a nearby tree.
I thought our love would last forever.
2 Meanings
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love this song!!

me too! it's awesome!

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Any ideas on what Lynch meant with the line "She'll never go to Hollywood"? I know it could just be meaningless filler. It does sound nice sung by Julee Cruise, and maybe doesn't need any justification beyond that.

I just wondered if it was anything like an inside joke, or Easter egg?

Ironic since it was probably filmed in Hollywood, so the singer and all the characters were in Hollywood as she sang that line.



@bulgie I've always interpreted that to be referring to the typical "dream" of many a girl to "go to Hollywood". But more broadly I take it as as being about unfulfilled goals and the fact that for many people their dreams will not be realized. I get a feeling of sadness when I hear this part - as if we already know that "she will never go on to...(fill in the blank)" Just my take;)

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