Agitated Screams of Maggots Lyrics

I'm killing the haughtily fly

I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine.
I can't hear the voices of society anymore.
I don't understand. You're all fine hypocrites.

Shout The Joy

Your song's drenched in blood and it's full of shit.
You can't shoot the silver bullet into me.

Shout The Joy

It's the Black Flag, motherfucker!!

I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.

I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,

I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine.
I can't hear the voices of society anymore.

I Should Die!

It's the Black Flag, motherfucker!!

I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars.

I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,
I'll rape your daughter on your grave,

Cold Blooded
52 Meanings
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I don't see how anyone else has gotten what I've gotten, but I see this as a diss on celebrity worship. First off he blatantly says " I wanna shout to all the trash celebrity stars ect..." so the raping the daughter on the grave thing I don't think is a sexual perversion statement just a statement of pure rage. He also metions Black Flag from which I understand Diru enjois that band (as do I) which was a hardcore punk band against buying into the mainstream and finding ones self... especially if you read Henry Rollins' lyrics and poems which discuss alot of the same things of self perfection and self mutilation, but the saying this is the Black Flag motherfucker is like carrying the torch of celebrity hate. Yet I think that Kyo realizes that he also has become an idol senselessly so, people worship his footsteps worldwide and I believe that he hates that because it makes him and others hypocrits. Notice in Cleaver Sleazoid when he says "I'm nothing but a third rate star covered in blood." I think both of those songs are discussing conformity and celebrity worship. Also notice two things about Kyo's dress in the Sleazoid vid, one he looks alot like Marilyn Manson an artist he openly dislikes and the epitome of the 'sheep in black' goth conformist idol, and also he uses the Clockwork Orange makeup. BTW I really admire his attempts at english even though some of his vowels are bad, he still maintains a fantastic range.

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First "I'm gonna fuck your parents" then, "I'll rape your daughter on your grave"? Kyo loves the whole family, I guess.

It's much more harder, but for that I miss the sence, the story. Or maybe I'm just too stupid to find one. I just see hate and agression. Typical for Kyos english lyrics, but I hope the album contains different songs, too.

it's about meaningless music, "I wanna shout out to all the trash celebrity stars" a world full of hypocrits, interest just in fame, money... the daughter=their legacy, their music "I'll rape your daughter on your grave" dir en grey take down all of that and destroys it with this song, "eat your fucking products, we'll rape that shitty music with this... the death of that shallow "daughter"

well, I interpret it like this :D (I think that a band with this high level of creativity in their music, and their complex structures,...

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This song is by far there hardest song.

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Nice, it's good to finally get a taste of what we can expect with The Marrow of the Bone

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When they were playing in the american they got booed at by some stupid motherfuckers there that thought they were "hilarious"... This song is like a big "FUCK YOU" to everyone that's put them down. "I'm gonna slash your wound just like mine. I can't hear the voices of society anymore. I don't understand. You're all fine hypocrites." This may not be the best of diru but it stills rocks and kyo still has that touch that makes his lyrics so... god i can't find the word for it "You can't shoot the silver bullet into me" this song screams so much it IS the Agitated Screams of Maggots and I'm kinda glad they didn't tone it nor the video down.
KICK ASS!!! GO DIRU!!! ^___^

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Kyo should perfect his english first. easily dir en grey's worst song. too hard trying to be hardcore rather than trying to make music.

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Fuck yeah! I can't wait for this album to come out in February. It's gonna be so awesome.

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Aww Kyo's English is so bad, it's cute :3 I adore the guitar in this song. The lyrics are... Not understandable, but I still like it.

But I miss the deep meanings to their songs... Like, I don't really see a story to this song. But I'm not gonna slash them for it, because I love them n_n

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@ inverse_paradise:

Actually this is the best song ever recorded by anyone.

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It comes off to me as "Fuck Celebrities!" Kyo's bad English=badass. I have trouble understanding him, so that makes it hard to sing Diru songs where he sings in English. But that doesn't mater. Like I told my friend Seth "The Marrow of the Bone is going to kill people...not like Kevin Federline's "Playing With Fire" but in a good way."

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