For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only (Braille) Lyrics
The minutes are hours, the hours are days.
I feel infected by your presence, you speak in tounges.
I smell the lies, dancing on your blackened lungs.
"Fear me dear, for I am Death.
I'll take your hope, your dreams, your love
till there's nothing left."
"You better fear me dear, for I am Death.
And I'll take that shit you call a life,
in a single fucking breath."
I'll take your fucking dreams.
I'll take your love.
I'll take everything, you fucking bitch.
I'll turn your promises into lies.
I'll steal the diamonds from your eyes.
I'll turn your promises into lies.
The hours are days, the days are dead.
I feel infected by your presence, you speak in tounges.
I smell the lies, dancing on your blackened lungs.
Your life's already worse than any pain that I could bring.
That I could bring.
That I could bring.
But you're so blind, it may as well be May.
"You better fear me dear, for this is Death."
And I whispered in her ear:
"Fear me, 'cause I am Death."
"Fear me dear, for I am Death.
I'll take everything you ever loved."
"You better fear me, for I am Death.
For I am Death.
For I am Death."

Stevie Wonder is blind. For Stevie Wonder's Eyes Only - For Blind Eyes Only. And I think this song is about revenge/ betrayal.
"It's 3:18, mouth tastes like the corpse of every pregnant teen, The minutes are hours, the hours are days, I feel infected by your presence, you speak in tounges, I smell the lies dancing on your blackened lungs,"
Probably describing the shock immediately after the betrayal of a loved one- the time seems like it's dragging on and on... She (I'm going to assume it's a she) is probably trying to say sorry, get back with the person, but it makes him even more mad ("infected by your presence"). Whatever she says doesn't make sense anymore ("you speak in tounges"), and he basically cannot trust her at all anymore ("I smell the lies...")
"I whispered in her ear: Fear me dear, for I am Death, I'll take your hope, your dreams, your love, Till there's nothing left"
He is so mad that his main aim becomes taking revenge on her, it's all he's consumed with. He wants to take everything away from her, to properly punish her.
"And I'll take that shit you call a life, In a single fucking breath"
Same idea, he wants to take her pointless life away as quickly and painfully as possibly.
"I hear the fear in your voice, but you shouldn't feel a thing, Your life's already worse than any pain that I could bring, That I could bring, That I could bring,"
I think he means that her life is so empty, shallow and dirty that even when he takes away everything from her it wouldn't even make a difference.
"I could make it December every day, But you're so blind, it may as well be May,"
Same idea, she is so blind (relates to the title of the song) that she wouldn't differentiate December from May, she is too empty/blind to even notice any revenge he will bring to her because she's dead inside anyways.
Thanks if you read this far:) And this is only MY opinion you don't have to agree.. I hate when people attack me for posting my opinions =]
wow. This is probably the best and most relevant answer I've heard on all this website. People are always ranting on about their complaints of the song title and/or how much bmth sucks (which they don't). Nice interpretation.
wow. This is probably the best and most relevant answer I've heard on all this website. People are always ranting on about their complaints of the song title and/or how much bmth sucks (which they don't). Nice interpretation.

Love the song, but its "in a single fucking breath" Not "And I'll see them fucking break" :)

what the fuck are you on? bmth have more than one stuck up cunt as a fan yer? people like you really put some music fans to shame..yourself for one. and if you were such a fan you would be glad that others like em too.

Ziko, i agree with your interpretation. Oli's writing about someone lying to him, but him knowing the truth.' 'i'll steal the diamonds form your eyes, i'll turn your promises into lies' - to me this means she's possibly lived a fortunate and good life, but he's so pissed at her for lying [or something to that extent] that he's gunna turn that all around and make her life a living hell. "I'll take your hope. I'll take your fucking dreams. I'll take your love. I'll take everything, you fucking bitch" but when he says 'your life is worse than any pain i could bring' he means that the life she is living is the worst anyone could live -the life of a liar, a betrayer. but she doesn't realize it. she thinks she has a life filled with 'diamonds'. now i could be way off on that part, but thats what i get from it.

imo its about someone that betrayed him, probably a chick. So he bashes her face in.

holy shit no comments?
kind of different from their older ones. but still one of my favoritess.
bmth needs to get their asses to the states :).

This is certainly one of my favorite BMTH songs. right now I am actually at school listening to this song. =] sweet! I just had to add BMTH to my myspace account friend's list. I am a huge fan of them right now. they are on my top 3 bands list at first place. I am getting a bmth shirt very soon. =]

I looove this song. "fear me dear for i am death" love it love it love it love it. listening to this at the moment.

I love this song.BMTH needs to get there asses over to the US

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