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The Stoked American Lyrics

if i had back all the time i'd lost
i'd spend it with me again
but this time
we'd have more fun
like we'll do tomorrow

Hours turn into days you know
watch them and watch them and watch them go
Days turn into weeks you know
Watch them and watch them and watch them go
Weeks turn into months you know
Watch them and Watch them and watch them go
Months turn into years you know
Watch them and watch them and watch them go

Song Info
Submitted by
a Town Like Paris On Sep 07, 2006
1 Meaning
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second half

If I had back all the time I've lost I'd spend it with me again But this time, we'd have more fun Like we'll do tomorrow

Help's on the way (I look out of my eyes) We just can't wait (at you looking at me) This time of day (it takes so long before you blink and I) We've said all we can say (get this out of my head)

Just think no one will be (Home today) Object to being reset (back to the bay) So bright, so sleepy-eyed (to western rain) Not enough to ??? (coming from the eastern shade)

Hours turn to days, you know Watch them and watch them and watch them go

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