Bringer Of Blood Lyrics
This one's from the heart
Together we re as one
Bringer of blood
It will never end- blood is our bond
Together we re as one
Bringer of blood

What a deep and moving song.... Really

Song fuckin rules.

I have no idea what this song means. Good song though.
These are the correct lyrics:
Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood
Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood
This one's from the heart
Together were as one Together were as one Together were as one Together were as one
Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood
It will never end Blood is our bond Blood is our bond Blood is our bond
Together were as one Together were as one Together were as one Together were as one
Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood Bringer of blood

This song is gay, pointless, and lame. It is hilarious though.