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Better Man Lyrics

There was a time
I had nothing to give
I needed shelter from the storm i was in
And when it all got too heavy
You carried my weight
And i want to hold you
And i want to say

That you are all that i need
For you, I give my soul to keep
You see me, love me
Just the way i am
For you i am a better man
I said you are the reason
For everything i do
I'd be lost, so lost without you

Under the stars
At the edge of the sea
There's no one around
No one but you and me
We'd talk for hours
As time drifts away
I could stay here forver
And hold you this way

Coz you are all that i need
For you, I give my soul to keep
You see me, love me
Just the way i am
For you i am a better man
I said you are the reason
For everything i do
I'd be lost, so lost without you
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12 Meanings

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Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

Another beautiful song from him. Just curious, does he write his own songs? What impresses and touches me the most if that his lyrics are beautiful yet they are not ridiculous or something stupid, it's something we all can relate to.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

First comment, this song is gonna explode. Freakin genius, I sent it to my best friend as soon as I heard it.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

this guy is a freakin genius. i love this song. love his music.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

I will just say that i love this song... and i want a boy to sing it to me.. and if you are only reading the lyrics and have never heard this song you need to because the music and the voice everything just makes this song the best..

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

the lyrics are so sweet. and the music makes it incredible.

but the lyrics...i mean, isn't that what love entails??? the bettering of ones self for another person? this is one of the greatest songs on the cd i think. i really can't wait for this kind of love and to love this way in return.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

I think this is incredibly beautiful. What more could you ask from a lover that you make them a better person? A better man? I think this is the destination everyone wishes to get to in terms of a relationship.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

Love this song! It's just so laid back and so beautiful. James Morrison's lyrics is just amazing. Love all of his songs.

And to EnigmaticCreature, yes I as far as I know, he writes all his music himself. He has made some covers, but all the songs on the cd is written by him I think.

I totally agree, James Morrison is a genius, and I really hope there's a new cd on the way :p

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

most beautiful song of his ever. an old 'friend' sung this to me over the fone, and he made me cry. we don't talk anymore, but when I hear this song all the memories come flooding back.

i can't wait for the new album to come out. i've only heard one track, but I just know its going to be amazing.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

I adore this song. His voice is beautiful and the calmness of the music itself is soothing and it makes the lyrics even more meaningful.

This song is perfect.

Cover art for Better Man lyrics by James Morrison

YES, this song is perfect!!!! Can't believe of all the soloist male performers I've heard, this is my favorite, i mean, look at my name. I have to say, This may be the corniest song i've heard, but Oh My God, i love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, love it, I wish somebody would sometime dedicate this to me, it may be the corniest, but yet, the most beautiful to ever be dedicated to a girl. Damn it!! it's good, And i have to say: All of the comments above are 100% right. I wish there were just a few more guys like him in the world, I say FOR THEM WE'D BE A BETTER WORLD!!!