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A Minor Point (1922) Lyrics

Some may want to say that we're killers
But we do what we must and we feel we are just
Cutting off the head of the imperial serpent
Taking back the land for the hands that have worked it
Critics cry of bloody days, but people still die anyways
The ones who understand their roles can help us save the world
History has afforded us this opportune occasion
To form a new foundation
You must first tear down the walls
Tear down the walls X3
Some may wanna say that we're heartless
That were staking our claim for political gain
But they don't see the power we've harnessed
With the masses united its pointless to fight it
Critics cry of bloody days, but people still die anyways
The ones who understand their roles can help us save the world
History has afforded us this opportune occasion
To form a new foundation
You must first tear down the walls
Tear down the walls X3
The ones who understand their roles can help us save the world
History has afforded us this opportune occasion
To form a new foundation
You must first tear down the walls
Tear down the walls X3
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5 Meanings

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Cover art for A Minor Point (1922) lyrics by Catch 22

I cant believe no one has commented this song. It's such an amazing song. What it's about? I'm not sure. But ska owns and these lyrics are amazing and original. "Critics cry of bloody days but people still die anyway" Fabulous.

Cover art for A Minor Point (1922) lyrics by Catch 22

well you apparently are a member of the straightedge movement or cant think for yourself and have seen people do that with thier names either way leave music has no purpose without meaning it is about the bolshevik revolution in which trotsky participated pointing out that violence and destruction are neccessary in order to create a better civilization, to restart so please do some research as opposed to listening to something which you may very well disagree with ok...

Cover art for A Minor Point (1922) lyrics by Catch 22

I swear this album sounds like the vocalist from Rx Bandits... doesn't sound much like Catch 22. The album is also heavily politically based, like all of Rx Bandits songs.

Did he record this with Catch 22?

Cover art for A Minor Point (1922) lyrics by Catch 22

I don't think Matt Embree recorded this with Catch, but he may have. Punker Ken nailed it though.

Cover art for A Minor Point (1922) lyrics by Catch 22

The revolution hasn't ended it has only shifted phase. Trotsky was right, as long as the proletariat continues to fight the revolution will never die.