6 Meanings
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You Shout You Shout You Shout You Shout Lyrics
Stumbled out into the day you missed
Watch out forget what's on your lips
As they peel and blister in the sun
Watch out forget whets on your lips
Last night such a shit parade
Half dressed and never was getting paid
Lets dance shit all else to do
Slip trip and fall and lose it all
So much trash on the radio today
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
So much trash on the radio today
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
Constricted atmosphere breathlessness
Glitter glass floors so watch your step
The cracks in the walls that shift and sweat
The room revolves around your head
You got a fever and you cant sweat it out
You shout you shout you shout you shout
About the thing as you make your exit
Life in the room but your not it
So much trash on the radio today
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
So much trash on the radio today
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
This little piggy pushed the tempo
This little piggy stayed at home
This little piggy stole the limelight
This little piggy he got loud
So much trash on the radio today
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way...
Watch out forget what's on your lips
As they peel and blister in the sun
Watch out forget whets on your lips
Last night such a shit parade
Half dressed and never was getting paid
Lets dance shit all else to do
Slip trip and fall and lose it all
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
Glitter glass floors so watch your step
The cracks in the walls that shift and sweat
The room revolves around your head
You got a fever and you cant sweat it out
You shout you shout you shout you shout
About the thing as you make your exit
Life in the room but your not it
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way
This little piggy stayed at home
This little piggy stole the limelight
This little piggy he got loud
Keep dancing in the routine way
Keep dancing in the routine way...

The song is about well, basically rubbish songs that gain huge commercial success and radio airplay devoted to them
"You got a fever and you cant sweat it out"
its probably a completely innocent coincidence but this line could be a sly dig at Panic @ The Disco.

good point i think. i love this song, its so true. and they perform it so well :) i love pennie live.

it's so catchy..the lyrics are alright.

I thought he said "dance, dance" in the first verse, a little dig at Fall Out Boy.

i wonder what "glitter glass floors so watch your step" means? its a really interesting line... maybe it means that the littlest thing you do in this world, for musicians anyways, can bring them spiralling down?

Wow...just wow.