30 Meanings
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Ambrosia Lyrics

A touch of poison, seals my fate!
The dawn echoes, the night with my glory, the sun himself honors me!

Once king of roses, now lord of gold!
Blessed with the gift of gilded touch

The Gods themselves envy my hand!
Fate wields its knife to cut the thread

I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly, I long for you, my only love

In my perfection, I have no want!
A folly as fatal as sin

Yet eyes still glint with greed untold!
Has now become the end of me

I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly, I long for you, my only love

Have I not, earned this the gift of beauty within?
How selfish were the Gods to keep their riches from my rightful treasure?
I truly have become one of them, my fatal flaw!

Oh yeah!
I've got her hook, line, and sinker!
Thanks to me, she's her own new necklace!
Thanks to me, she's her own new necklace!
Thanks to me, she's her own new necklace!
Now she's good as gold!

I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly, I long for you, my only love
I curse the day my dream became my descent
Suddenly, I long for you, my only love

Cut the thread!
30 Meanings
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Isn't it weird how they use King Midas in ambrosia" and the myth about Troya and Helen's beauty in "The Thisrd Temptation of Paris" ?? None of the new bands really sings about more that htbreak and self-harm anymore lol [no offence to any other band !!]

Love this song .. I hope they keep it up like this :]

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"...cut the thread..."?

I think he means to finally cut the thread that is his life. Dunno, though

As in the three fates who are in charge of cutting the threads of life. Greek mythology.

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I will probably cause more questions than answers but ambrosia is the food of the gods

King midas when tried to eat converted the food into gold when it touched his lips

heres what wiki has to say;

¨In ancient Greek mythology, ambrosia is sometimes the food, sometimes the drink, of the gods, often depicted as conferring ageless immortality upon whoever consumes it. It was brought to the gods in Olympus by doves (Odyssey xii.62), so may have been thought of in the Homeric tradition as a kind of divine exhalation of the Earth.

Ambrosia is very closely related to the gods' other form of sustenance, nectar. The two terms may not have originally been distinguished;[1] though in Homer's poems nectar is the drink and ambrosia the food of the gods; it was with ambrosia Hera "cleansed all defilement from her lovely flesh" (Iliad xiv.170), and with ambrosia Athena prepared Penelope in her sleep (Odyssey xviii.188ff) so that when she appeared for the final time before her suitors, the effect of the years had been stripped away and they were inflamed at the sight of her. On the other hand, in Alcman, nectar is the food, and in Sappho (fragment 45) and Anaxandrides,[2] ambrosia is the drink. When a character in Aristophanes' Knights says, "I dreamed the goddess poured ambrosia over your head– out of a ladle", the homely and realistic ladle brings the ineffable moment to ground with a thump.¨

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gooododddllly sonngngnngngnngg

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King Midas... am I wrong? The gods give him the gilded touch He turns his woman into gold =]]

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yes, i have a feeling you may be correct. king midas and his golden touch. Alesana= amazzzingg. i think god listens to them.

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definately king midas as he was the king of the "land of roses" and now he's the lord of gold

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Ahh, another tale I am fond of...

King Midas, a ruler known for his unsurpassed rose garden, finds a drunken, passed out Silenus (foster father of Dionysus). After taking him home, Dionysus tells King Midas he may have anything he wants in reward.

Midas wishes for anything he touches to become gold. However, this becomes a curse, after realizing he cannot eat, as food turns to gold as soon as it touches his lips. He ends up touching his daughter, turning her to gold.

I enjoy this song greatly, especially the new music video.

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the music video is amazing

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