16 Meanings
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Lay Down Lyrics

Lay down, sleep my little darling
I'll be nothing when you're gone
Lay down, just like in a coffin
Then I'll have nothing but a song
I'll leave you in a coffin for real
I'llleave you in a church

Lay down
Leave, you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down
Sleep, you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
It's not my turn

Lay down, this pain'll be long gone
With the absence of your breath
I know, I know that you loved me
I can love you when you're dead
So I'll leave you in this coffin for God
I'll leave you in the dirt

Lay down
Leave, you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down
Sleep, you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
It's not my turn

Lay down
Leave, you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down
Sleep, you'll be lonely
I know I won't go
Lay down before me
I know I won't go
It's not my turn
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16 Meanings

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Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

yea i got to play this song, it is on guitar hero 3! ^^

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

I know this one isn't as optimistic but personally I think its about a girl he loved who he broke up with and he wishes she were dead

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

I think you guys are wrong. I think this song is about him either killing his girlfriend or wishing she was dead. "This pain will be long gone with the absence of your breath." That makes it sound like he wants her to go.

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

The singer has said that this song is a first-person about a man killing the woman he loves.

Song Meaning
Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

i saw them live. it rock, so hard. they remind me of a young Black Sabbath.

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

i saw them with mastodon, personally i thought they did a way better job than mastodon

just good solid rock

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

My buddies Spread Eagle played with them in Victoria BC and I missed the show! damnit! I heard it was fucking AWESOME!

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

im pretty sure this song is gonna be on guitar hero 3

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

this song is on Guitar Hero 3

Cover art for Lay Down lyrics by Priestess

wow, i love how many people have posted useful interpretations. It seems pretty obvious but i could be completely wrong, on the surface i think it's about a man who's wife/girlfriend has died, but he's staying optimistic, that it's not his time to go, but he'll see her again some day.