Apocolypse Meow Lyrics

The world is coming to an end.
What are we waiting for?
Soon countries will wage war.
What are we fighting for?


Baby take my hand.
Lets dance forever.
Its the last night on Earth.
Lets be together.
3 Meanings
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This band is pretty wierd. But they were in Kerrang so i thought i'd download some songs. And put the lyrics on. Since no-one else has! x

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i really like this song and i think its about two people loving each other and they have to separate in real fast future.And this song is about they're last moments togehter that are like eternety "Let's Dance Forever, It's The Last Night On Earth,Let's be Togehter" i don't really listen to You say party We say die, but i think i'm gonna start to. And i'm suprised that nobody is commenting this amazing song. xxx.x :**

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i love this song! i think it's about like everything feels like it's ending, the world is in turmoil, there's war and hate, but at least we still have love.

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