2 Meanings
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Time Can Tell Lyrics

Your voice is breaking up
Get off the phone
Come and see me
These times are hard enough
To be alone
I want you with me

And much to my regret
It's you I can't forget
Tears on your shoulder
Don't look too far
Surrender me unharmed
Then come with me

Will we still be together
In a year from now
Or do we hate each other
We're gonna get through somehow
Has it turned the world into a nightmare
Will it be farewell
Only time can tell

Will we still be together
In a year from now
Or do we hate each other
We're gonna get through somehow
Has it turned the world into a nightmare
Will it be farewell
Only time can tell

You'd make the angels wait
And stop the sun if I let you
What good is two
When it's reduced by one
How do you value your own love

You'd better save your breath
Give us both a rest
Until tomorrow
The second you want me
You know I'll come
You are the one

Will we still be together
In a year from now
Or do we hate each other
We're gonna get through somehow
Has it turned the world into a nightmare
Will it be farewell
Only time can tell

Will we still be together
In a year from now
Or do we hate each other
We're gonna get through somehow
Has it turned the world into a nightmare
Will it be farewell
Only time can tell

Will we still be together
In a year from now
Or do we hate each other
We're gonna get through somehow
Has it turned the world into a nightmare
Will it be farewell
Only time can tell
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2 Meanings

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Cover art for Time Can Tell lyrics by Electronic

Just about a shakey relationship and him wondering if it's going to last...he is deeply in love with this girl and having doubts which depress him.

Bernard must have been in the same type of relationship i was in for a long time because there's SO many tracks he has written with almost the exact same meaning. time can tell, forbidden city, viscious streat, love less...etc..

Cover art for Time Can Tell lyrics by Electronic

About a separation between two people who's future is up in the air.

This song is so beautiful. It sits strong with me and is Electronic's second best song. Some Distant Memory is their top song. The ending of that song puts me in a place I never want to leave.

My Interpretation