Invincible Lyrics
Make our dreams come true
Don't give up the fight
You will be alright
Cause there's no one like you
In the universe
What you're mind conceals
You should make a stand
Stand up for what you believe
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Makes no difference to me
What you leave behind
What you choose to be
and whatever they say
Your soul's unbreakable
They will pull us down
But please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible
Together we're invincible
They will pull us down
Please, please let's use this chance to
Turn things around
And tonight we can truly say
Together we're invincible

it's because of people like you, b561248 that the world is in such a state of chaos. people that know bad stuff are going on but think they can do nothing about it and make fun of those who do. i liked this song because it finally gives some hope. most muse songs are so tragic, although still brilliant. so maybe it is a little feel-good but that's not a bad thing. thank god for it, cause if everyone were like you we'd be in deep shit. at least some people are trying

I'm dying man.. this song... it's soo fucking GOOD! I can't explain it... makes me feel sad and happy at the same time. Muse is the best fucking band!

also ... im an American ... HOW COME NO ONE IN THE US HAS HEARD OF MUSE? They are my favorite band.

haha dwit, im american too. only most people i know who have good taste in music know and love muse.
@Drewb18c1 - the Pixies are always a good yardstick...
@Drewb18c1 - the Pixies are always a good yardstick...

The song is about "Soldier's Poem". it's a continuation, in soldier's poem the soldier feels low and then later in invincible he finally braves death. Coz he realises that it's not about his life and even tho he may die it doesnt matter because he has his friends and will never truly die. It's that simple
@Gabriel88 - sort of like Roy Mustang in Fullmetal Alchemist neh? ;-)
@Gabriel88 - sort of like Roy Mustang in Fullmetal Alchemist neh? ;-)

I have to say this is the most touching song on their new album. I love it, very inspirational.

Hmm after listening to this song and this album alot I can say that Invincible, Assassin and Knights of cydonia are my favorites, this one in top. And guys, have you seen the guitar he is using when he plays this song, touchpad :D
Swedish fan here btw. Very uplifting song.

After listening to this song more it has really grown on me ... and i do like the idea of a call to arms better especially because in the beginning the drums sound like soldiers marching

It's highly uplifting song. It's for desperate or depressed people. It's to uplift their soul and make them feel better. A true brilliant anthem. Probably my favourite from the new album.
@Painbearer - you don’t have to be depressed to appreciate an uplifting song...
@Painbearer - you don’t have to be depressed to appreciate an uplifting song...

Sorry guys, i completely disagree, ive listened to the whole album and i think its the second worst after 'a soldiers poem', maybe i need to listen to it more? hmmm
i think that a soldiers poem isn't that well liked becasue its sort of directed to certain people with certain circumstances.. its very different that what we are used to listening to but if you listen to it as a whole it isn't a bad song its just not "like muse"
i think that a soldiers poem isn't that well liked becasue its sort of directed to certain people with certain circumstances.. its very different that what we are used to listening to but if you listen to it as a whole it isn't a bad song its just not "like muse"
i agree with yummyloveeful. just because it isn't "like muse" doesn't disregard it as a rather good song.
i agree with yummyloveeful. just because it isn't "like muse" doesn't disregard it as a rather good song.
Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own opinion. :D
Don't worry about it. Everyone has their own opinion. :D
For example, I myself am not exactly crazy about their song Supermassive Black Hole.
For example, I myself am not exactly crazy about their song Supermassive Black Hole.