19 Meanings
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Like A Hurricane Lyrics

Once I thought I saw you
in a crowded hazy bar,
Dancing on the light
from star to star.
Far across the moonbeam
I know that's who you are,
I saw your brown eyes
turning once to fire.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but
I'm getting blown away.

I am just a dreamer,
but you are just a dream,
You could have been
anyone to me.
Before that moment
you touched my lips
That perfect feeling
when time just slips
Away between us
on our foggy trip.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but
I'm getting blown away.

You are just a dreamer,
and I am just a dream.
You could have been
anyone to me.
Before that moment
you touched my lips
That perfect feeling
when time just slips
Away between us
on our foggy trip.

You are like a hurricane
There's calm in your eye.
And I'm gettin' blown away
To somewhere safer
where the feeling stays.
I want to love you but
I'm getting blown away.
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19 Meanings

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Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

I like everything about it.

The three recorded versions (known to me) have different characters; but it is the original studio cut which I remember listening to in the '70s on Radio Caroline (a pirate radio ship in UK waters) which evokes the strongets memories. It brings back my miss-spent youth in glorious waves.

That aside, I enjoy jamming around with the riffs. There's so much in there! Neil's second best song, after Heart of Gold...

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

This song is what always blows me away :-)

@regulator that's a pretty good effort at a Dad joke :P

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

sigh, this remind me of people whose strong feelings freak them out so much that they prefer the fantasy version of a relationship...if it gets real then its too much for them to handle. Those lines "you are just a dream, you could have been anyone to me" say a lot to me. Though I also like it how he reverses the dream/ dreamer in the next verse..meaning we all get a bit freaked out when we have strong feelings for someone.

But as a female who has been bewildered and betrayed by guys who keep their overwhelmed feelings inside and let themselves be blown away, i would just like to say that that the hard work of love is both people staying with the intensity and being brave enough to stand in the eye of that hurricane.

@riter thanks for your insight. this helps me with some feelings I'm dealing with.

@riter I always thought "you could have been anyone to me" is more linked to the following line "before that moment you touched my lip". Meaning, he was a dreamer, looking for a dream night and a dream date, and because it was her, he fell in deeper than he intended. The dream became real, and it scares the pants off of him.

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

what the shit, no one has commented on this song--amazing, especially cuz its on Neil's greatest hits CD and some live discs

anyway, this song is amazing (amazing pretty much applies to all of Neil's songs). It sounds like a dude met a really woman at a bar who he thought was incredible but only briefly made contact with her and then begins to lose her, wishing that she could still be with him

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

This song is best on his unplugged cd cause at the very end there is a harmonica solo and its played with such beauty.

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

... so few comments? This song is one of my all times favorites. The lines "I am just a dreamer, but you are just a dream," are just awesome.

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

Well thank god he says CALM, because on the unplugged version, it sounds like something a lot more sexual in nature - which would make the song worse in my opinion.

I love this song.

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

On the unplugged version Young says "I want to love you but I get so blown away" I am not sure if he says this on different versions though

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

3 comments? on one of the greatest songs ever written? pah! Firstly, yes sstennet, i beleive he sings "i get so blown away" only on the last chorus usually, havent listened for a while so id have to check it out (in my defence for not having listened to it for a while, i play and sing it (albeit very poorly) on guitar daily, its a sort of ritual for me).

Anyway, this song is one of my all time favorites. Whenever I hear it I think of this girl I used to like, who i never made it with, but we had some amazing... moments... that just stick in memory. Cos this song is really about a single moment, when he sees this girl and feels a really intense emotion.

This song has really become a part of me, so its quite difficult to analyse it personally, but sufice to say its an utterly essential song for everyone. Should be a national anthem of some place...

Cover art for Like A Hurricane lyrics by Neil Young

this song reminds me when i just couldnt ask this girl to go out with me. dont ever pass up on a chance to ask someone, cause if you do, you will end up likeing this song lol. but i think niel is writing about a girl he breifly knew and he cant get her out of his mind. for some reason, i think he lost her because of his ''foggy trip'', ''gettin blown away''.thats the way i look at it, hes the foggy smoke,getting blown away