LDN Lyrics
'Cause the filth took away my licence.
It doesn't get me down and I feel ok
'Cause the sights that I'm seeing are priceless.
But I wonder what goes on behind doors.
A fella looking dapper, and he's sittin' with a slapper,
Then I see its a pimp and his crack whore.
Walkin' round London town.
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Everything seems nice,
But if you look twice
You can see its all lies.
She was struggling with bags from Tesco.
There were people from the city havin' lunch in the park,
I believe that it's called al fresco.
But before she had time to accept it
Hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead
'Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet.
Walkin' round London town.
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Everything seems nice,
But if you look twice
You can see its all lies.
Yeah thats city life.
Life, yeah that's city life, yeah that's city life,
Yeah thats city life.
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why
Would I wanna be aywhere else?
Everything seems nice,
But if you look twice
You can see its all lies.
Everything seems nice,
But if you look twice
You can see its all lies.

This song is obviously about her hometown, London and the shady characters in it. Any girl who finds a rhyme for Tesco gets my vote :D

the meaning is that things aren't always what they seem. shes using london as an example. if you walked around the town, you'd think it was a happy and cheery place as well as its people. but if you take a closer look and take a deeper second glance, you would notice that things arent as they seem and actually quite the opposite.

Is she really Keith Allen's daughter? The song is pretty self-explanatory I think, about deception and pretense. I like how the tone of the song reflects the lyrics. Because on first listening it seems pretty happy, but then you listen to the lyrics and its like 'crack whore?' haha. I think the chorus 'but if you look twice..' reflects this.
That's my 2 cents.

I listenned to this SO many times before I decided to look up the lyrics and I was so suprised that it wasnt really just a fun chirpy happy song. But you're right spiderman, the deception of the song just reflects on the lyrics.

Whats behind the beautiful facade is very ugly indeed. Happy song with a dark meaning.
Good video for this song which is a literal interpretation of the lyrics.

Yeah, and i also like the fact that despite the fact she has probably never stepped foot in an area of the UK that might carry the title working class she still thinks she can sing about it. Oh except to get her cocaine. How arrogant. This is keith allens daughter the one one who has lead the well to do life never had serious financial problems, went to the same school as Peaches Geldof. And despite the fact she has led such a life protercted from the harsh reality that is life she decides to sing a most condesending song about her twisted interpretation of life. What the fuck would she know?
as stupid as it sounds since she's lived a prestigious life. It is entirely possible that she's reflecting on that fact that while she grew up to possibly believe that everything is fine and dandy and she gets everything that she wants but as she grows up she realises that there is a world outside of her own where it isn't as fabulous.
as stupid as it sounds since she's lived a prestigious life. It is entirely possible that she's reflecting on that fact that while she grew up to possibly believe that everything is fine and dandy and she gets everything that she wants but as she grows up she realises that there is a world outside of her own where it isn't as fabulous.

Reading deankavanagh1234's comment, made me think about the..
"Sun is in the sky, oh why oh why Would I wanna be aywhere else?"
..bit. I didn't understand it before - I though, well she's just being sarky then, cause she's making where she is sound like crap.
BUT maybe, she's watching this - from a distance - in the knowledge that this is a completely different world from hers....

fabulissimo! who cares about song meanings bla bla bla when i'm sitting in my maths class tapping my foot and going "yoooou might laugh you might frooooown..."

deankavanagh1234 - probably never? so basically you are just assuming because she has a famous father? how tipical. just because someone might not live on the 'wrong side of town' doesn't mean they've never been there.

Perhaps the word patronising should have featured in my last comment to account for the twisted reasoning she employs to have you believe all city life consists of is
"But I wonder what goes on behind doors. A fella looking dapper, and he's sittin' with a slapper, Then I see its a pimp and his crack whore."
"Then a kid came along to offer a hand But before she had time to accept it Hits her over the head, doesn't care if she's dead 'Cause he's got all her jewellery and wallet."
As someone who lives in a working class area i can assure miss allen these descriptions are greatly exaggerated. most people who are in the working classes do not resaught to crime because society has wrote them off. Admittedly a few individuals do, as a result giving others around them a bad name leaving them vulnerable to lily allens manipulation for her own financial end.
Really?! Care to enlighten me as to what working class area you live in?
Really?! Care to enlighten me as to what working class area you live in?
I lived in Westbourne Park for 10 years and whilst it was a good area with loads of good people when I first moved in, the estate I was on ended up one filled with anti social families, where gangs of feral youths would intimidate other residents and ritually wreck any improvement work carried out, where drug dealing and taking happened in broad daylight and where prostitutes brought their clients because of the nice secluded car park the block I lived in had - again in...
I lived in Westbourne Park for 10 years and whilst it was a good area with loads of good people when I first moved in, the estate I was on ended up one filled with anti social families, where gangs of feral youths would intimidate other residents and ritually wreck any improvement work carried out, where drug dealing and taking happened in broad daylight and where prostitutes brought their clients because of the nice secluded car park the block I lived in had - again in broad daylight.
Anyone know where the video was shot, as some of the backdrops looks frighteningly like the Portobello Road/Westbourne Park area..?
I think every guy or girl has the right to speak whatever they want about their own city. I live in Mexico city all my life, i admit that have all kind of disgusting things like robbery, drugs dealing and stuff like any other city. but anyway.. i love my town. And what do you expect about any girl that doesn't had economics lacks?.. maybe write something "less common" like love, dissapointing and stuff right?
I think maybe you're be more comfortable if Lily or any spoiled girl sings something like oops i did it again hahaha
I think every guy or girl has the right to speak whatever they want about their own city. I live in Mexico city all my life, i admit that have all kind of disgusting things like robbery, drugs dealing and stuff like any other city. but anyway.. i love my town. And what do you expect about any girl that doesn't had economics lacks?.. maybe write something "less common" like love, dissapointing and stuff right?
I think maybe you're be more comfortable if Lily or any spoiled girl sings something like oops i did it again hahaha
I guess you don't know the meaning of the words hyperbole and satire, do you?
I guess you don't know the meaning of the words hyperbole and satire, do you?