I Wanted You To Feel The Same Lyrics

I sometimes got so tired of our game
I wanted you to feel the same
And did I say I liked you on the plane?
I wanted you you to feel the same

I wanted you you to feel the same

It breaks my heart to say that when I was in pain
I wanted you to feel the same
But nothing gets you really
It's a shame
I can't believe you didn't feel a thing

I wanted you you to feel the same
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15 Meanings

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Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

Such an amazing song, with amazing lyrics and sound. I feel the frustration, as well.

The song needs no explanation, really. Clearly, the singer is in love with someone who does not share the feeling mutually. They also wanted them to feel the pain, to make them realize what they're doing to them.

My favorite line: "It breaks my heart to say that when I was in pain/I wanted you to feel the same"


Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

The meaning is pretty obvious, it's about falling in love with someone who acts as if they reciprocate your feelings, then finding out they actually don't. They were only playing games with you.

"It breaks my heart to say that when I was in pain/I wanted you to feel the same" I think this is the greatest line in the song. When I've had my heart broken, I wanted to make the person hurt the way they hurt me, but this ended up making me even sadder because I still loved them and didn't want to hurt them. Hurting them would hurt me even more.

"I can't believe you didn't feel a thing" Sigh. I can totally relate to this song.

My Interpretation
Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

redlight greenlight, no they figured my thoughts ;) wonderful song, really. My favourite part is: 'But nothing gets you really It's a shame I can't believe you didn't feel a thing.' I just melt every time I hear it.

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

I don't think it absolutely needs to be about wanting someone to love you; I think it's broad enough to be about the feeling of, well, simply wanting someone to share the same sort of sentiment on a particular thing that you do, but not. The line about the plane makes me imagine a couple traveling, and he's really excited about their trip but she seems indifferent and he just hates that she isn't as psyched as he is.

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

I love this song. Absolutely beautiful.

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

great lyrics and sound

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

great lyrics and sound

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

i felt the frustration....

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

I agree this is a beautiful song. love the lyrics

Cover art for I Wanted You To Feel The Same lyrics by The Radio Dept.

I adore this song. The lyrics hits so close to home.