Unspection Lyrics
I remember when I knew her
She had faith enough to fake
I recall a face passed in vain
Sore dried eyes, it'll keep on welling for nothing
Thats's all
She tries to hide it from herself unjustified
The dagger failed her, the misconception of a better place
The offer made to wage the answer,
that no-one knew
The answer, she would never blame you
Sore dried eyes, it'll keep on welling for nothing
Thats's all
Wash it off this time only, I know it's somewhere
You can't save the world but just say goodbye

It's obviously about a suicidal girl?
"Never had a guiding light or a place to call home" she's always been alone
"Sore dried eyes, it'll keep on welling for nothing" she can't stop crying, but crying doesn't change her situation
"YOU'VE BLED ENOUGH" she's a cutter and the singer wants her to get better and stop self-harming
I have two different interpretations of the next part:
"The dagger failed her, the misconception of a better place"
1st theory: she tried to kill herself by slitting her wrists but the dagger/razorblade/knife 'failed' her in the sense that she survived. the reason behind her attempted suicide is that she was hoping that in death she'd come to a better place, but the 'misconception' was that she didn't die so she's still stuck in the same place she's always been
"The dagger failed her, the misconception of a better place"
2nd theory (this is the one I'm leaning towards): she DID manage to kill herself, but the 'misconception' was that she didn't end up somewhere better. either it could be like in the movie "wristcutters" where the afterlife is just as depressing as real life was. but the song is from the singer's perspective so I believe that he's the one who calls it the "misconception of a better place" because he wanted her to believe in recovery, and to keep fighting to get better, not just hope for a better-place-afterlife.
"The offer made to wage the answer, that no-one knew" the QUESTION of which the answer no-one knew is probably "is there an after-life?" or "what happens when we die?" and she 'offered' to kill herself to find out
"she would never blame you" I'll get to this one
"One last game for three, two broken wings stretched to derange the air-raid" really puzzled about the game for three part????? but two broken wings stretched could refer to the girl ascending to heaven(??) on her new angel wings, broken because she killed herself to acquire the them
the earlier "she would never blame you" + "SO SAY GOODBYE" + "You can't save the world but just say goodbye" she's gone now, so say goodbye to her... and move on. don't blame yourself for what she did, it was her own choice to kill herself. you did what you could but you can't save everyone.
I really didn't intend for this comment to become so long! sorry!!

Don't know what the song is about but... Chemical Vocation is great!

Maby i'ts about a girl who commit suicide?
(sorry if it will be a doublepost)

It´s about living in denial, fooling yourself until you can´t remember who you are anymore, and living for everyone but yourself

just love this song :]