Going to Hungary Lyrics
headed straight for the motel rooom and got undressed
we had not slept for three or four days
and we slipped underneath the covers
it felt ok
i felt it on my eyelids
i pushed your hair away
you put on your new shirt
i put on my cowboy boots
i slipped on my yellow shirt
we headed out, sweat drying on our bodies
and i got all sentimental
we were heading straight to hell
in a lincoln continental
i know it's not right, but i always liked and sing the lyrics as: you put on your old gloves, you put on your new SKIRT, YOU put on my cowboy boots, YOU slipped on my yellow shirt.
it, to me, just seems to fit in with the semi-romanticism. i don't know, like a tempt at innocence after a not so innocent act. the beginning resides on a fence balancing on purity and sensuality, with the ending 'heading straight to hell' leading to believe that sensuality won out. picturing that, i can't help but picture the next day, she's dressing in his clothes, in yet another innocent way wrapped in sexuality. the age old fantasy of a women wearing a man's shirt shrugs
i'm almost positive that i'm completely wrong, but i'm not trying to define the meaning of the song, just picturing it.