7 Meanings
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Strange Lyrics

Why's everybody acting funny?
Why's everybody look so strange?
Why's everybody look so nasty?
What do I want with all these things?

I went alone down to the drugstore
I went in back and took a Coke
I stood in line and ate my Twinkies
I stood in line, I had to wait

Why's everybody acting funny?
Why's everybody look so strange?
Why's everybody look so pretty?
What do I want with all these things?

I went alone down to the drugstore
I went in back and took a Coke
I stood in line and ate my Twinkies
I stood in line, I had to wait
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7 Meanings

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Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

oh man been there

Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

He ate some twinkies, haha.

Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

Oh man, I guess it's about walking around a drugstore, but...

This song has the most beautiful words about being a kid on the inside. I first thought the words were "why's everybody think I'm pretty? what do I want with all these things?" as if he is curious and oblivious as to all the reasons people like him and act so cryptic around him, when he's just tryna eat a twinkie.

Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

The best song ever written about wandering round a superstore while completely off your face on acid.

Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

Definitely about getting high and walking down to the drugstore to get a drink and snack.

Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

what about lost in the supermarket by the clash @atropos

@4003 to me that song captures what it's like growing up in the suburbs, as if everyone just goes to the supermarket to buy a personality, but he's lost. All the normal things people experience aren't quite right when viewed from the perspective of a teenager. He only feels freedom when he "empties a bottle"

Cover art for Strange lyrics by Galaxie 500

To me, this gorgeous little song is written from the perspective of someone on the outside looking in; someone who feels alone in life and can't help but want what others have, even if he desires this in spite of himself.

"I walked alone..." "What do I want with all these things?" "I stood in line, I had to wait..."

This song haunts me as I can relate.

My Interpretation