52 Meanings
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Kick Push Lyrics

First got it when he was six didn't know any tricks
Matter fact, first time he got on it he slipped
Landed on his hip and busted his lip
For a week he had to talk with a lisp like thisssss
Now we can end the story right here
But shorty didn't quit
It was something in the air
Yea he said it was something so appealing
He couldn't fight the feeling
Something about it
He knew he couldn't doubt it, couldn't understand it, brand it
Since the first kick flip he landed
Labeled a misfit a bandit
cucump cucump cucump
His neighbors couldn't stand it
So he was banished to the park
Started in the morning
Wouldn't stop till after dark
Yea when they said its getting late in here
So I'm sorry young man, there's no skating here

So he kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push, coast
And away he rolled jus a rebel to the world with no place to go
So he kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push coast
So come and skate with me just a rebel looking for a place to be
So lets kick and push and coast

My man got a little older became a better a roller
Yea no helmet
Hell bent on killing himself
Is what his momma said but he was feeling himself
Got a little more swagger in his style
Met his girlfriend she was clapping in the crowd
Love is what was happening to him now
He said I would marry but I'm engaged to the aerials and varials
And I don't think this board is strong enough to carry two
She said bow I weigh a hundred and twenty pounds
Now let me make one thing clear I don't need to ride yours I got mine right here
So she took him to a spot he didn't know about
Something odd in a apartment parking lot she said I don't normally take dates in here
Security came and said I'm sorry there's no skating here

So they kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push, coast
And away they roll jus lovers in the twine with no place to go
So they kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push, coast
So come and skate with me
Jus a rebel looking for a place to be
So lets kick and push and coast

Before he knew he had a crew
There wasn't no punk in they spitfire shirts and SB dunks
They would push till they could skate no more
Office building lobbies wasn't safe no more
And it wasn't like they wasn't getting chased no more
Just the freedom was better than breathing they said
And the skate route they used to escape out
When things got crazy they needed to break out
They'd head to any place with stairs any good grinds the world was theirs
And they four wheels will take them there until the cops came and said there's no skating here

So they kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push, coast
And away they roll jus rebels without a cause with no place to go
So they kick push, kick push, kick push, kick push coast
So come roll with me jus a rebel looking for a place to be
So just kick and push and coast
52 Meanings
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It's very refreshing every time a rap artist releases a song beyond the topic of hoes/money/drugs/ice. Bravo, Lupe! This song is great, I hope it gets really big cos it deserves to. As for the meaning, its pretty straightfoward and the two posts above me pretty much sum it up.

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This song has a refreshing hip-hop style. I think it's about a guy who is introduced to something. At first he fails and then he gets a taste of success, so he keeps trying, and eventually grows to love it so much it effects his lifestyle in so many ways, even his love life.

The best line is "Just the freedom was better than breathing they said " That's so insightful. It's like when you enjoy something so much, you can't live without it.

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Wow guys two years of arguing on this song....? Lol. I must say tho it is definately worth reading all of these opinions. The only "idiots" on this forum are the ones who called another an idiot because his logic or what the song meant was "wrong".

Hopefully some of u "idiots" have listened to more of lupe's work by now. U wud realize that the person above me was right in what he said. Lupe is king at making songs with multiple meanings. To a shallow mind this song is about skateboarding. To an average hip hoper, they see the metaphorical link to selling drugs. To the philosophical mind sees the ties to the struggle of fitting in. But to the open mind this song is about all 3.

Lupe is a very deep thinker and a deep poet. This song is definately first and foremost about skateboarding, as it is a pasion of lupe's. But lupe is known to be a selfless artist who rarely speaks on himself. So for the pple who have to push drugs to live the is a msg in there for u, as well as the kid stuggling to fit in.

And for any of u ppl to doubt this is true, you are DEFINATELY "idiots". Wat you're really doing is doubting the skills of this lyrical wizard. Truely the best lyricist in rap today.

Pick up "lupe Fiasco's The Cool" if you haven't already.

agreed on everything you said. Besides the fact that hes the best lyricist in rap today. There's plenty of rappers way better then him.

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"She said bow I weigh 120 pounds"


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There are definately ties to both. If you're a fan you understand that Lupe grew up with drugs and crime all around him. People he knew went to prison "chasing the cool" and he decided not to fall into that trap. He's better than that. Has anyone here considered the fact that he was skating to escape the drug dealing? Look at both sides of Kick Push. It's definately about skating, but it's also about pushing. Lupe uses his lyrics to tell a story, and plays on words to give it multiple meanings. Lupe is a lyrical genius.

and for jesse4182, first and fifteenth is Lupe's record label, Further more the 1st & 15th of the month relate to checks... Big days for dealers as everyone pays what they owe when they get their check... Or has cash on hand to buy more...

anyway that's my 2 cents

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This song is great, though he litterally focuses on "skating" its about much more than that.

As he says in his dedication in the beginning " I dedicate this one right here to all my homies grinding, legally and illegally".

Its about making it in life, the "hustle" of life.

"First got it when he was six didn’t know any tricks Matter fact, first time he got on it he slipped Landed on his hip and busted his lip For a week he had to talk with a lisp like thisssss Now we can end the story right here "

Whe we start anything, we are new to it, dont know anything and usually end up "falling down". (first love, skating, anything). Now we have the choice to say "I quit" and "I can't skate" or "I can't draw", "I hate relationships" right here and never dust ourselves off and try again.

But if we have motivation, a goal, even if we can't finger it, you usually get back on the board/stand up.

"Since the first kick flip he landed Labeled a misfit a bandit "

Once we finally succeed, other people are jelous and envious and label you, no matter what it is; "whipped, nerd, jock, pusher, etc"

"His name was couldn’t stand it So he was banished to the park Started in the morning Wouldn’t stop till after dark "

once people can see you're getting good at something that they aren't they hate and dont want you around them. so even though those around him hated on his skating skills he didn't let it stop him. Even though people say they dont want to hear you "rapping" dont stop, even though you can't be the best at something around some people, doesn't mean you should give up.

"Yea when they said its getting late in here So I’m sorry young man, there’s no skating here"

I think this verse represents the hurdles in life, all the problems that try to stop us from movin on, from achieving our goals, being happy, making it.

The Chorus says that this kid/those strong enough dont/didn't give up and kept/keep moving on, past the hurdles and problems. Looking for a place to fit in, in a world full of followers.

The rest of the song continues along those lines I think.

oh and the longer they skate the stronger they become, until there literally isn't any place they can't go. (or metaphorically, there isn't anything that can hold them down)

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yeh the skating is just a metaphor , but im sure hes a good boarder aswell, hes just a cool guy! i love lupe fiasco

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I think there's more than one meaning to this song. The metaphorical meaning is pretty much what you guys are saying, but the litteral meaning...Obviously it's about skateboarding, but it focuses on skaters in general. People think we're such bad people, but really we're not. We look for places to skate, but time and time again we are kicked off of these places. Skateboarders do not really fit in, just because of the fact we skateboard and stereotypically we're asshole pot heads. Anyways, all in all...this is an amazing song for a few reasons. First reason, I hate MOST music on MTV. When I saw this I was impressed. Second reason, I don't usually like rap/hip hop/whatever kind of music.

Anyways, I'll put more thought into it later and repost.

Well, I don't know about the pot heads part, but I do agree with you on how many people think skateboarders are bad people. If I could, I would create a place for skaters to just do what they do best. Skate.

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have you seen this video? its definitely about skateboarding. i mean, i agree with everyone who says it could be metaphoric for anything in life, but there's NOTHING here that screams DRUG DEALING.

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all you guys are stupid, its about skateboarding. partypunk101 has the right idea. This guy was amazing tell MTV hit him n overplayed him. But i still love the guy.

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