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Love Is Stronger Than Death Lyrics

Love is Stronger Than Death (c) 1993 - The The

Me and my friend were walking, in the cold light of morning
Tears may blind the eyes but the soul is not deceived
In this world even winter ain't what it seems

Here come the blue skies, here come the springtime
When the rivers run high and the tears run dry
When everything that dies, shall rise

Love, love, love
Is stronger than death
Love, love, a love
Is stronger than death

In our lives we hunger for those we cannot touch
All the thoughts unuttered and all the feelings unexpressed
Play upon our hearts like the mist upon our breath

But, awoken by grief our spirits speak
How could you believe that the life within the seed
That grew arms that reached and a heart that beat
And lips that smiled and eyes that cried, could ever die?

Here come the blue skies, here comes the springtime
When the rivers run high and the tears run dry
When everything that dies, shall rise

Love, love, love
Is stronger than death
Love, love, a love
Is stronger than death

Love, love, love
Is stronger than death
Love, love, love
Is stronger than death

Shall rise
Shall rise
Shall rise
Shall rise
5 Meanings
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I can't believe no one has commented on this song yet! It is AMAZING. This song is very important to me...I love the hook, and the changes in the music. It soars, and speaks of the eternal optimism of the living, in their struggles with surviving loss, mourning death, and continuing on - just like nature and the Seasons. All returns, the circle continues...I think in some ways it asks us to also consider that while our feelings make sense in light of loss, perhaps we are too caught up in our preciousness, our "uniqueness", our egos finding it incomprehensible that death exists, and just looking at the natural rhythms of the world, we see we are just a part of a larger whole. That existence, consciousness are our concepts- but nature continues on. True to only itself, it's very disposition.

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ManicMonkey nailed it. I wish I could add something, but it's all right there.

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This song chokes me up everytime I hear it. ManicMonkey is dead on.

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I imagine this song to be about the resurection of our lord jesus christ on easter morning. as the gospel teaches us, saint peter and saint john were walking to the tomb where jesus lays and when they arrive the stone has been turned away and the body of the saviour is not to be found. they return to where they came and on the way back they meet a man on the road that is jesus, although they do not recognise him in his resurrected state. i am not sure if matt smith envisioned this when he wrote the song, but it would be a perfect song if a new version of jesus christ superstar were to be made.

You're a complete windowlicker. Not every song props up your religious beliefs. Don't read your rubbish into everyone's lyrics.

@johnnymac1968 hahahaha funny!!

It's not an explicitly Christian song but the interpretation is hardly "rubbish". The cover of the single features a picture of Christ on the cross.

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This song was simply beautiful as a college student in my early 20s. Now in middle age after the death of both parents (the last just 2 months ago) the lyrics have taken on a deeper meaning. It made me cry back in the 90s because it was a lyrical work of art, now the tears are personal.

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