Nowhere With You Lyrics
You always look better when it's upside down
You say you got nowhere that you're going to
Can I go nowhere with you?
Spent my pennies bumming around,
Tryin' to find a way to tear a strip off these blues,
Can I go nowhere with you?
Sat at the bar where the drinks did flow.
Didn't see a single face that I knew,
'Till I went nowhere with you.
We'll kill some time, it looks like you might
need a little company,
I'm so cheap I might as well be free.
You always look better when it's upside down
You say you got nowhere that you're going to
Can I go nowhere with you?
Can I go nowhere with you?
Can I go nowhere with you?
We'll kill some time, it looks like you might
need a little company,
I'm so cheap I may as well be free.
I'm still wired, I can go it alone,
Same time next week at a quarter past ten?
And we can go nowhere again.
If you show up then, you know I will too,
Can I go nowhere with you?
You always look better when it's upside down
You say you got nowhere that you're going to
Can I go nowhere with you?
Can I go nowhere with you?

Might not be 100% correct (pretty sure it isn't), but I think I'm the first to put the lyrics up on the net, so here it is. If you have revisions just give me a polite shout and I'll edit it.
Good song.

I've been looking everywhere for this song! Thanks! Good song, very upbeat!

I hear "strip off these blues"

I heard this song on a Zellers commercial and wanted to download it but I didn't know what it was called until I found this page, so thanks. Anyway, awesome song. I'm not sure about the boots/blues deal, but instead of "I'm so cheap I MAY as well be free", I hear Ï'm so cheap I MIGHT as well be free".

K ya, that blues/boots thing is hard, my friends insist it says "boobs" hehe...

I vote for 'blues' Also, "If you GET tired" and "if you show up then, then you know I will too"

I love this song. Its about a guy trying to cheer up this girl who is sad. Obviously, he likes her. "nowhere with you" is great play on words/meaning.
oh. and its definately "blues".

Found the decision breaker. The lyrics are on Joel's myspace. It's "blues".

No matter HOW many times i hear this song, it still makes me want to go buy shit at Zellers. ... I can never figure out why winkwink.

i completely love this song. "need a little company? I'm so cheap, I might as well be free." its just so happy, and up beat. puts me in a good mood, amazing.