9 Meanings
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Im Going Hungry Lyrics

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.

Not Pearl Jam
Not titled I'm Going Hungry
See Temple of the Dog - Hunger Strike.
Song Info
Submitted by
keeebler7 On Apr 02, 2006
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9 Meanings

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Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

Come on, you have to know this isn't Pearl Jam. Can't you hear Chris Cornell's vocals screaming in the background?

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam



Artist: Temple of the Dog Album:Temple of the Dog Title: Hungerstrike

I can't be too mad at you, because you like Pearl Jam, but,...

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

yeah it's not pearl ajm but i heard live version and i think i heard eddie's voice singing the 2nd stanza. for sure it was eddie.... this song is sooo ggggoooooodddddd i love it

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

This is a song made by Temple of the Dog. Temple of the Dog is: Chris Cornell (Soundgarden) and Mother Love Bone. They made this one album-project as a tribute to the late Andrew Woods, singer of Mother Love Bone. Yes, this is also Eddie Vedder singing, but he only sings in this song.

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

Ok.....ANYWAYS, back to lyrics interpretations......ideas please?

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

good call no code, with patience. it's too bad all of the emotion of a lost friend had to create this beautiful collaboration. since matt cameron drummed on this album and was soundgardens drummer, but has since joined the magnificent pearljam, temple of the dogs original line-up is current pearljam, plus chris cornell of course. eddie vedder sang on more than just this song on temple of the dogs self titled album. he contributed back up vocals on "pushin' forward back," "your savior," and "four walled world."

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

Proper research will show the following about this song:

Artist: Temple of the Dog Album:Temple of the Dog Title: Hungerstrike

However, this song was a shared project of Eddie Vedder and Chris Cornell and Mother Love Bone before Eddie moved onto Pearl Jam. Chris Cornell happened to be the roommate of the late Mother Love Bone's lead singer Andrew Woods.

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

The meaning of the song is fairly straightforward, it's protesting against people who exploit the poor and helpless.

He understands that he himself is well-off in life "my cup's already overfilled" but refuses to exploit others to become any more wealthy.

So basically, the first stanza says it all: "I don't mind stealin' bread From the mouths of decadence - But I can't feed on the powerless When my cup's already over-filled"

Cover art for Im Going Hungry lyrics by Pearl Jam

the song is called hunger strike, and it is not a pearl jam song