Leaps And Bounds Lyrics
Looking over the bridge
To the M.C.G.
And way up on high
The clock on the silo
Says eleven degrees
I'm breathing today
The month of May
All the burning leaves
I'm not hearing a sound
My feet don't even
Touch the ground
I go leaps and bounds
Down past the river
And across the playing fields
The fields all empty
Only for the burning leaves
I go leaps and bounds
I remember everything

This song just screams Melbourne and I believe its Paul reflecting his memories of this great city. He says he travels leaps and bounds and that could help him to remember everything in these places.

I'm an Aussie living in the U.S, and this song brings back everything I love about Melbourne & Australia. It's such an optimistic song, full of life... In his memories, he doesn't hear a sound or touch the ground - but his joy keeps flooding back.

h Have you ever driven up the freeway seen the silo and the clock said 11 deg... i did and the song was on the CD just as i saw the sign he sang that lyric.... OMG he could have been in the car with me... he is just the best singer song writer god put on this earth....

This song is about being a child and going to an AFL football match. The clock as you walk towards the ground, the sound of the crowds, the elation and emotion. It's quintessential Melbourne and PK at his best.

This song is about being a child and going to an AFL football match. The clock as you walk towards the ground, the sound of the crowds, the elation and emotion. It's quintessential Melbourne and PK at his best.

this is about him being high on drugs, and yes, the Melbourne references are correct

My ex grew up in Richmond, right under the Nylex sign with the clock and temp readout. Well, the silo (it contained malt or other grain for beer) was about 100 metres away. Brings back lots and lots of memories, some good, some not so good. The "hill" must be the Punt Road hill.

A question from the States... what’s the MCG? Cheers, all!

Of course... the Melbourne Cricket Grounds.

I cannot believe PK can cram so much meaning, emotion, poetry, style and great melody into such a short space of time. He is, without any shadow of doubt, an extraordinary, unrivaled and once in 100 years genius. Richard.