My Head Is My Only House Unless It Rains Lyrics

I'll let a train be my feet if it's too far to walk to you
If the train don't go there
I'll get a jet or a bus
I'm gonna find you
You're mine and I know I'll find you
My head is my only house
Until I find you
I'll walk the meadow plains
Water deserts by my eyes until I find you
I won't sleep until I find you
I won't eat until I've found you
Heart won't beat
Until I can wrap my arms around you
Heart won't beat
Until I've found you
My arms are just two things in the way until I can wrap them around you
You can make a sad song happy
And a bad world good
I can feel you out there movin
You're mine and I know I'll find you
And my head is my only house unless it rains

I hate to let other people hear me sing this song
If it reaches you before I do
Follow this song to I love you
That's where you'll find me
That's where you'll find me
Heart won't beat
Until I can wrap my arms around you
Heart won't beat
Until I've found you
My head is my only house unless it rains

I hate to let other people hear me sing this song
If it reaches you before I do
Follow this song to I love you
That's where you'll find me
That's where you'll find me
Heart won't beat
Heart won't beat
Heart won't beat
Until I found you
And my head is my only house unless it rains
Song Info
Submitted by
halfalive On Mar 13, 2006
6 Meanings
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The song title and the lyrics are meant to be funny and obscure, it's a Captain Beefheart song after all. Like I live only inside my head but if it rains I go inside a house.

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that's beautiful why no comments?

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I know the feeling, exactly. (It shouldn't need any explaining.)

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I just asked my friends what it means that "my head is my only house unless it rains". I'm confused by that. Several friends said it means that she is secure in her head (her house) unless it rains (a storm comes by). The rest of the lyrics are amazingly beautiful, & I understand their meaning.

Anyone want to comment in 2011?

Song Meaning
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That's a great song original by Captain Beefheart and His Magic Band. This version recored by EBTG is also cool, but too softy.

When you listen the original version its like you can feel the real love through the lyrics, and in EBTG version it sounds like it's something that you may wish that can happen.

I love Captain Beefheart version because the way he sings it make sure that he is going to do it doesn't matter what comes in front of him.

This a beautiful lyrics, specially the main plot "My head is my only house unless it rains", 'cause it's like the whole song he is right of what he wants and what he is going to do but "when the rain happens" he just feel uncertain of everything. I believe its kinda of a metaphor to justify that his head is his only path unless happen something that he wasn't waiting for, so when "it rains" he might have to figure out others ways to solve the situation.

It's a truly inspiring song.

My Interpretation
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He is completely engulfed with himself until the the tears come. Then he needs this person to get him out of this funk. It plays like a love ballad, but notice that he isn't saying anything positive, or love like he'll do for this love interest. He's just completely obsessed with getting to her, and what she will make him feel.

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