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Ibis Flies Lyrics

There is no relief from the autumn breeze
And the bleeding tree has already died
In the rape or reason and change of season
The rusty steel cable sways like an empty cradle

The millstone grinds
And it changes the time away
It changes the time away
It changes the time-
It changes the time away

As the ibis flies
Far beneath is the bleeding tree
It's scarlet chest
Paralyzed with stale breath
It was born to breathe
On borrowed time
Born to live, is that my crime?

The splintery box
Lost in the loft
The mahogany weathered coffin
Paints the picture
Perfect in my mind

And it changes the time away
It changes the time away
Changes the time away

He died alone in the fleeting rain
All alone by the bleeding tree
His legs were broke
He collapsed, he choked
When I left him alone
Alone again

I saw it in his eyes
He died like the ibis flies

It was born to breathe
On borrowed time
Born to live, is that my crime?

Was born to breathe on borrowed time
I was born to live, is that my crime?
Song Info
Submitted by
iforgot On Mar 09, 2006
1 Meaning
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So, I've never heard of this band or song (definitely looking them up now!), but I was typing random stories we read in Lit class this year into the search. I typed in "The Scarlet Ibis" and this popped up.

The story goes something like this, if you haven't heard of it. It takes place from 1913-1918 I think. Basically, this kid has a crippled brother with a heart condition named Doodle and he teaches Doodle to walk out of pride and is sometimes mean to him. Then one day there's a storm, the brother is angry at Doodle, so he runs really fast ahead of him and when he turns around, Doodle's dead on the ground.

There's a TON more to it that's all mentioned in the song--from the "empty cradle" thing (foreshadowing in the story) to the "mahogany weathered coffin in the loft" part (they built Doodle a coffin when he was an infant cuz they thought he was going to die, brother makes him touch it).

I really recommend reading it. I have no doubt that this is based off of the story.

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